Ice Has Different Properties In Greenland

The surface may be covered with snow, and it may be very cold, but the ice underneath the snow is melting like crazy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Ice Has Different Properties In Greenland

  1. Charles Higley says:

    1 to 1.5 meters sea level rise this century? Unimaginable damage and suffering?

    These guys simply believe everything they read in the newspapers. They have the same faith as the Creationists who watch the Flintstones and believe it’s a documentary.

    Have they taken the time to really look at the Arctic ice record and its coverage? I think not.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    The members of Earth Justice should be relocated to Greenland and allowed to live off the land without modern day conveniences. The Inuit are also wanting to be allowed to follow their ancestors ways so we should allow them to exist without our interference and contraptions. There is probably enough room on Greenland to accommodate all the Global Warming worshipers also, as the ones that can not adapt are thinned out more can be relocated there.
    The Natives of Tuvalu and the Maldives can find plenty of land there or on Antarctica!

  3. Nobama says:

    I suspect this “council” was there to co-opt the local government to “play along” with the climate narrative in exchange for “assistance” with “their fight” against climate armageddon, aka climate disruptipocalypse.

  4. Jimbo says:

    Just how much longer can the scammers keep this scam going? It is getting embarrasing. 🙁

  5. Justa Joe says:

    There seems to be some kind of Klimate Con spring offensive. They’re putting out propaganda at a furious rate calculated to overwhelm the opposition.

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