LA Times : Flood Caused By Climate Change

Complete ignorance of science has become a dominant feature of progressive journalism.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to LA Times : Flood Caused By Climate Change

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    As in the case with the tornadoes, the recent flooding resulted from a steep temerature boundary between warm humid air to the south and unseasonably cold air to the north. This type of gradient would not exist if the Arctic were truly warming faster, per Hansen’s reds and pinks.

    The floods cannot be explained by warmcold, because warmcold is caused by warmth to the north that makes it cold in the south. That is just the opposite of what you need for flooding rain in the southern US .

    McKibben should at least read a Meteorology 101 textbook, before he starts pontificating about a subject he obviously knows nothing about.

  2. Methinks this will leave Tony Duncan unperturbed.

  3. pwl says:

    I think we need to start asking those making the wild claims what they actually mean by “climate change”. What constitutes “climate change”? What defines “climate”? Is it just the range of limits of weather during some period of time? What the heck do they actually mean? What are they actually freaked out about? 1c warmer? I’ve lived in a range of 82c from -46c in Edmonton (without wind chill factor) to +38c… what is 1c to me? Nothing but a more pleasant day. So I don’t get it. I do get that a new ice age would be classified as a bit of a major change in climate but that’s happened lots of times before and will happen again. So what is “climate change”? Do they actually think that there is some “normal” climate that is the “desired climate”? If so what is that? Why would they think that? I think it’s important that we PIN them down with specifics so that we can know what the heck they are actually talking about when they say “climate change” along with their doomsday scenarios.

  4. Sam Poet says:

    Republican factory owners killed your family and friends in the catastrophic blizzards, floods, tornadoes, massive wildfires and other climate change that has been wiping out the bible-belt. This is the Climate Change that their factories created. This is the Climate Change that the Republicans lie about not existing. This is the Climate Change that they program their constituents to deny exists. This is the Climate Change that killed people, destroyed homes, further destroyed the economy that the Republican factories emissions caused so they could make profits by killing those people. Republicans deny Climate Change at all costs in order to keep their factories from having to pay to stop it. The Climate Change that is destroying massive sections of our country can no longer be hidden or denied. The issue of Climate Change is TOTALLY ONLY about Republican factories which cause Climate Change getting charged to put filters on their factories.

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