Models Predicted More/Less/Increasing/Decreasing Snow

In a sign of global warming, satellite maps show a sharp decline in late winter and early spring snow cover since the 1980s.

Put another way, the snow cover is leaving earlier but is just as extensive in winter and fall. This, said Robinson, is just how models have suggested climate should be changing snow cover and matches other research that has found earlier warming and greening up of the land in spring.

“It all fits together,” said Robinson, who is scheduled to present his work on Jan. 20 at the meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Atlanta

Sure they did, Larry.

2001 Ice Storms

Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms

IPCC Draft 1995

shrinking snow coverΒ in winter

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Models Predicted More/Less/Increasing/Decreasing Snow

  1. Latitude says:

    They are trashing him in the comments……………..

  2. Jimbo says:

    The article was in Jauary 2010. I wonder whether he still believes his own crap?

    Warmists need to get their lying act together. We have been told less snow cover due to global warming AND more snow cover due to global warming. We have been told to expect milder NH winters AND colder NH winters. We have been told that the earth will spin faster and slower due to global warming. I could go on and on…………………….. I am sick to death of this contradictory rubbish
    . πŸ™

  3. Jimash says:

    Amazing that it is always just how they said it would be, even when they didn’t.

  4. GregO says:

    “Put another way, the snow cover is leaving earlier but is just as extensive in winter and fall. This, said Robinson, is just how models have suggested climate should be changing snow cover and matches other research that has found earlier warming and greening up of the land in spring.

    β€œIt all fits together,” said Robinson”.

    Baloney. The alarmist narrative is coming apart. It just doesn’t make any sense. Here’s an alternate explanation of western US snow-pack variation over time.

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