My Theory About Obama

I don’t think that he knows or cares anything about the US or running the US. His goal seems to be to keep attention focused continually on himself. Even while they played God Save The Queen at Buckingham Palace.

He learned how to talk in a way which makes people like Chris Mathews and some women sexually attracted to him. I personally find his mannerisms and speeches nothing about incredibly annoying.

His behavior shows what happens to boys who get rejected by their father.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to My Theory About Obama

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    His behavior shows what happens to boys who get rejected by their father.

    That is too harsh! I was rejected by my father and have none of his issues. No, his problem stems from the fact he is a single child with an over protective mother that told him he was wonderful from the get go – and from no one in his life ever b*tch slapping some sense into him. That is why he basically trashed the Queen – she would not recognize his own self importance and narcissism.

    • DEEBEE says:

      Mechanistic analyses like yours or Steve’s are interesting to talk about while sloughing down a few brews (those were the day..), but fail because the move from general to specific makes things very tenuous — sort of like touching an airborne soap bubble.

      And in BHO’s case I had much rather say “good riddance” than “I know why”

    • Al Gored says:

      His mother also rejected him by sending him off to stay with the grandparents… then off to his Commie mentor… and then his magical rise.

      Interesting point about fathers though. Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton all had/have father issues. Maybe that is part of their qualifications to be chosen Puppet. Could make them more manageable.

      So people with this kind or rejection sometimes overcom

  2. omnologos says:

    Same portrait as Bill and Dubya. It comes with job doesn’t it? No sane wise and balanced mind would run for POTUS.

    Think Silvio, think Zaphod.

    • Al Gored says:

      Sorry. Missed your comment when I wrote mine, so I’m redundant.

      And I see I also left a hanging sentence… due to my childhood I suppose.

  3. Latitude says:

    with a narcissistic mean streak……..

  4. Sundance says:

    Obama’s presidency is quickly becoming a montage of Inspector Clouseau like moments. There might already be enough video for a two hour movie “The Pink Panderer”.

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    There are reports that his proclaimed father had a similar imperious self importance.

    Life is simpler when you needn’t concern yourself with others.

    But I do think he gets B**ch slapped regularly… Michelle. 🙂

  6. omnologos says:

    suyts – if you’re the first son of a successful oil entrepreneur and head of the CIA, and your dad enters in the White House when you’re at the age of 43, then yes, you’re going to have issues with your father.

  7. omnologos says:

    SPOOKY SPOOKY SPOOKY…FDR had issues with his father. Same for Washington. Same for Lincoln. Same for Hoover. Same for Harding.

  8. When watching the teevee, you haven’t long to wait before seeing a clip of Birther Zero moving through a crowd, usually on His way to a lectern to sonorously drone into a microphone some instructions to a large crowd about what it should be thinking.

    Next time you see it, watch closely, very closely; rewind on your DVR if you need to.

    He locks expertly onto the gaze, eyeball-to-eyeball, of one person at a time. He’s really got an amazing skill here. Each person lucky enough to receive the laser-like presidential stare will be sure to tell everybody he or she knows about it…over and over again. This is where the “There’s Something About Him! I Just Can’t Explain It!” comes from.

    But in a tenth of a second or less, the presidential stare-down is broken. Blink at the wrong time and you miss it. He’s off to the next person. No more than a fraction of a second spent on each adoring fan. It’s as if He’s saying “Make no mistake, there’s enough of Me to go around, but only just barely! Let Me be clear!”

    And when he stops to hug a woman on the way to the lectern, it’s really creepy. Grab hold! Now let go! Before you get dirty!

  9. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    That is an interesting summary.

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