The Obama Story Unravels In Less Than 24 Hours

Typical Obama. The mission succeeded in spite of his best efforts to mess it up. Then he takes credit.

WikiLeaks: Osama bin Laden killed after tip-offs from Guantanamo
The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, who was interrogated using “torture” techniques, gave the United States the breakthrough that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), who was repeatedly subjected to methods including “waterboarding” and stress positions, provided the CIA with the name of bin Laden’s personal courier, according to US officials.

A second source – also an al-Qaeda “leader” held at Guantanamo Bay – then confirmed the courier’s identity, sparking an intense manhunt that resulted in the dramatic final raid.


Obama orders Guantanamo Bay closed, bans torture

January 22, 2009 11:47 AM

With a few strokes of a pen, President Obama this morning reversed linchpins of the Bush administration’s war on terror.

He signed executive orders to shut down the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center within a year and to ban harsh interrogations — what critics say are tantamount to torture .

Obama signed the orders after meeting with 16 retired military officers, who he said pleaded with him to stand up for human rights and American values in combatting terrorism.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to The Obama Story Unravels In Less Than 24 Hours

  1. Luke of the D says:

    Of course! Reelect Mr. B. Hussein O. for king-o-da-world! Hero-of-the-day! The grand-exicutioner-his-honor-the-assissin! M. B. Hussein O.

    The media celebrates assassination? The real Hussein… the S. one… he was captured, tried by his peers, found guilty, and executed. THAT HIS JUSTICE!

    I am American. I do not condone assassination. I do not celebrate murder… even if the target was an evil-murderous-swine himself. Assassination is never an answer.

  2. Gene Nemetz says:

    Bin Laden out. Someone more intelligent and committed, Ayman al-Zawahri in:

    Too bad he isn’t immediately targeted and taken out in same way as Bin Laden.

  3. Sean McHugh says:

    If it’s true that the body is already buried at sea, then Obama didn’t merely try to “mess it up”, he succeeded magnificently. Anyone wanting a bigger groaner than that would be very hard to please. Talk about kicking an own goal or snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!!

    • Luke of the D says:

      Yep Mr. McHugh. Nail on the head… why so rushed to get rid of the body anyhow? Maybe didn’t want anyone besides the politicos and military types to see it, hmm? Wonder why… hmm… now no one will ever know. He’s alive and well… who can say different? There is no body. Film and photos can be edited. Eyewitnesses can be paid off or eliminated (we are now -PROUDLY- a nation of assassins now). The truth does not exist.

  4. gofer says:

    Does anybody really think the U.S. military loves Obama so much, they would fake anything for him or that it’s even possible.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      I don’t think the military faked it. I do think it is stupid that the White House “debates” releasing a photo. They must not have learned anything from the birth certificate. Why didn’t they take hours of video and release it? I would want to see a couple hours of following the corpse of Osama bin Laden everywhere. Wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t the world?

  5. Justa Joe says:

    B. Hussein sought to appease the Muslims to the very end by helping them “save face” by 86’ing the body ASAP. The problem is Muslims never have any gratitude, and this will just afford them the opportunity to claim OBL is still alive.

    • Dan says:

      It comes down to what is in the best interests of our country. If he releases the photo showing huge head wounds you’ll find something to complain about as well.

      • It comes down to the fact that Obama is full of cr@p and that he has no core values.

      • All the lefties who were so worried about torture and legalism under Bush suddenly don’t care anymore.

        Saddam was captured and brought to trial under Bush. Obama chose assassination for Osama – and apparently for Khadaffi as well.

        Obama has no core values. He is a self-promoter who craves the attention his father never gave him.

        On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Steve Goddard wrote:

        > It comes down to the fact that Obama is full of cr@p and that he has no > core values. > >

      • Dan says:

        You are making up a lot of bizarre stuff here. Even el Rushbo approved of this operation.

  6. Blade says:

    I am now seeing this as a failure. Not on the part of ST6 or intel, but a failure of leadership, at the Pentagon and White House. Not the teams fault!

    I have no doubt now that Obama gave shoot to kill orders preferable to all else. Trust me, if he had said take Bin Laden alive at all costs, the operators would have done just that without regard to their own lives. Was it suicide? No. Did one of his people take him out? No. Bin Laden was a coward as many of us thought, a coward is a good candidate for being taken alive.

    There are two people we desperately needed in captivity to milk for info, Bin Laden and Zawahiri. If there are ex-soviet portable tactical nukes in their possession, or even partially completed atomic bombs, these two would have the info. And if there are any mid-level Al-Qaeda players of note, they would also know of them.

    Clearly, to me, what has happened is that Obama caved to his and AG Holder’s retarded instincts. Rather than have Bin Laden in captivity and have to struggle with the embarrassing decision (embarrassing to Obama and his dirtbag liberal followers) of sanctioning extreme interrogation, he instead chose to forsake this vital intelligence and went for the political headlines. But being the dumbass that he is, he screwed that up by honoring Muslim traditions, announcing it to the world, thereby erasing his ‘victory’. This burial at sea and treating the corpse with ‘respect’ crap is not going over well. He already was a laughingstock around the world, and he is going to look even weaker. Should another attack occur, he will get no ‘Bush bounce’, he will reap scorn.

    This is political theater. I was going to praise him (for the first time) for greenlighting the op, but then I saw the pictures of the watching from the White House and it reminded me of LBJ and his micromanaging war room. The next thing he will do is put on a flight jacket or be seen in a tank with a helmet.

    What should he have done? Take him alive! We can kill him years later (a heart attack, or I’ d do it myself for free) but only AFTER he was completely ‘debriefed’. No blame goes to the teams, these guys are pros, the best of the best, I’ve know enough players to be convinced that they would not hesitate to accomplish a snatch and grab if so ordered and without any though of their own well-being. These guys would die if they were asked to.

    So the worst case scenario now is that a city goes up in a mushroom cloud, (or even something less like 9/11 or Madrid or London) and on a dime the whole story shifts back to Obama. Could it have been prevented if Bin Laden had been interrogated.

    They will say no, but the answer is yes.

  7. Blade says:

    (sigh, try again, sorry about the BOLD)

    I am now seeing this as a failure. Not on the part of ST6 or intel, but a failure of leadership, at the Pentagon and White House. Not the teams fault!

    I have no doubt now that Obama gave shoot to kill orders preferable to all else. Trust me, if he had said take Bin Laden alive at all costs, the operators would have done just that without regard to their own lives. Was it suicide? No. Did one of his people take him out? No. Bin Laden was a coward as many of us thought, a coward is a good candidate for being taken alive.

    There are two people we desperately needed in captivity to milk for info, Bin Laden and Zawahiri. If there are ex-soviet portable tactical nukes in their possession, or even partially completed atomic bombs, these two would have the info. And if there are any mid-level Al-Qaeda players of note, they would also know of them.

    Clearly, to me, what has happened is that Obama caved to his and AG Holder’s retarded instincts. Rather than have Bin Laden in captivity and have to struggle with the embarrassing decision (embarrassing to Obama and his dirtbag liberal followers) of sanctioning extreme interrogation, he instead chose to forsake this vital intelligence and went for the political headlines. But being the dumbass that he is, he screwed that up by honoring Muslim traditions, announcing it to the world, thereby erasing his ‘victory’. This burial at sea and treating the corpse with ‘respect’ crap is not going over well. He already was a laughingstock around the world, and he is going to look even weaker. Should another attack occur, he will get no ‘Bush bounce’, he will reap scorn.

    This is political theater. I was going to praise him (for the first time) for greenlighting the op, but then I saw the pictures of the watching from the White House and it reminded me of LBJ and his micromanaging war room. The next thing he will do is put on a flight jacket or be seen in a tank with a helmet.

    What should he have done? Take him alive! We can kill him years later (a heart attack, or I’ d do it myself for free) but only AFTER he was completely ‘debriefed’. No blame goes to the teams, these guys are pros, the best of the best, I’ve know enough players to be convinced that they would not hesitate to accomplish a snatch and grab if so ordered and without any though of their own well-being. These guys would die if they were asked to.

    So the worst case scenario now is that a city goes up in a mushroom cloud, (or even something less like 9/11 or Madrid or London) and on a dime the whole story shifts back to Obama. Could it have been prevented if Bin Laden had been interrogated.

    They will say no, but the answer is yes.

  8. Blade says:

    Ok, if anyone wants to see something REALLY FUNNY, get ready for this …

    It is also at YouTube but has been deemed offensive so many cannot see it …

  9. suyts says:

    lol, Bambi didn’t do anything but say OK, and as Steve points out, it was the very things he was against that caused the death of a murderous madman.

  10. suyts says:

    Brennan acknowledged that “those in detention” provided key information, but stressed that it was obtained in a variety of different ways.

    Sometimes, they gave us information willingly,” Brennan said………

    lol, let’s hear it for Bush/Chaney interrogation techniques!!!!!

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