UK Environment Secretary Explains Why They Don’t Have WI-FI Or Electricity In Arizona

Climate change ‘could disrupt wi-fi and hit power supply’
Climate change will disrupt wi-fi connections, cause regular power failures and lead railway lines to buckle unless Britain spends billions of pounds, Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary has warned.

She warned of intense rainfall, droughts and heatwaves in the next 50 to 100 years because of man-made global warming. The signal from wi-fi cannot travel as far when temperatures increase.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to UK Environment Secretary Explains Why They Don’t Have WI-FI Or Electricity In Arizona

  1. JFB says:

    yea!!! Now I know why we dont have wi-fi in Amazonia too!!!

  2. omnologos says:

    Is there no limit to shameful claims? What next…”Climate change ‘could disrupt climate change’“?

  3. Jimbo says:

    WiFi in Death Valley

    As for WiFi in Australia, Singapore, Kenya and the Maldives – they are doomed. Hotels complain about the failure of WiFi due to the tremendous heat caused by the Satanic gas called c02. 🙁

  4. Jimbo says:

    Almost every comment on the Telegraph has ridiculed the claim and Louise Gray, the journalist. Some commenters think she is actually MAD. No kidding.

  5. Foxgoose says:

    This, of course, is why they can’t have railways in India……………oh…hang on?

  6. Alex Cull says:

    India also has Wi-Fi. Tata’s Indicom Wi-Fi network already has more than 500 hotspots in India in hotels, airports, cafes etc. And according to one 2007 report (link below):

    “The overall Indian Wi-Fi market (including WLAN hardware, systems integration and software services, not including embedded devices, laptops) is predicted to grow from the current $41.57 million to exceed $744 million by 2012 (CAGR of 61.4%). The necessary market drivers are in place to propel the growth, development and deployment of Wi-Fi into a mainstream technology across the country.

    In short, the emerging Indian broadband market is on the cusp of a huge growth curve. And Wi-Fi is perfectly positioned to provide instant broadband access today from devices that are already available, over unlicensed spectrum in a safe, secure and reliable manner.”

    Caroline Spelman or Louise Gray should obviously go and tell them Wi-Fi will never work properly in the heat!

  7. Now I know why several hotels I slept in dont have wifi when they claim to.

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