Wyoming Snowpack 188% Of Normal

  SNAKE RIVER .................................. 12 of 16     191       131
  UPPER YELLOWSTONE-MADISON .................... 12 of 13     168       129
  WIND RIVER ...................................  9 of 10     141        97
  BIGHORN BASIN ................................ 15 of 16     156       125
  SHOSHONE RIVER ...............................  6 of  7     148       134
  POWDER-TONGUE ................................ 12 of 14     174       115
  BELLE FOURCHE ................................  3 of  3     324       149
  UPPER N. PLATTE RIVER ........................ 12 of 12     187       151
  LOWER N. PLATTE - SWEETWATER - LARAMIE ....... 10 of 10     148       119
  LITTLE SNAKE RIVER ...........................  3 of  5     190       145
  UPPER GREEN RIVER ............................ 11 of 13     191       129
  LOWER GREEN RIVER ............................  7 of  7     184       127
  UPPER BEAR RIVER .............................  7 of  7     242       141


Colorado is at 146% of normal.

GUNNISON RIVER BASIN ......................... 11 of 15     156       121
UPPER COLORADO RIVER BASIN ................... 25 of 30     173       132
SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BASIN ..................... 15 of 17     164       128
LARAMIE AND NORTH PLATTE RIVER BASINS ........ 12 of 13     177       145
YAMPA AND WHITE RIVER BASINS ................. 14 of 19     183       140
ARKANSAS RIVER BASIN .........................  6 of  9     124        96
UPPER RIO GRANDE BASIN ....................... 10 of 15      91        92
AND SAN JUAN RIVER BASIN ..................... 13 of 16     103       101

When it finally does start melting, how are the river channels going to handle that?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Wyoming Snowpack 188% Of Normal

  1. Jimbo says:

    Guardian – 12 May 2011
    “Gingrich’s presidential bid clouded by his belief in climate change”

    “Newt Gingrich, the former Republican Speaker, Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, and Mitt Romney, have all been put on the defensive for past assertions that climate change was real. Each candidate is handling it differently, at least so far.”

    Slimey newt.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Most people started out with an open mind about global warming, but got turned off as the lies became more obvious and ridiculous. And there was some apparent warming in the 1980’s and 1990’s. So once believing it might be real is a forgivable sin.

    • It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

      Possibly true if humans were allowed the convenience of laziness. But life shows us clearly we are not. What is forgivable is uncertainty. Uncertainty leads, or should lead, a human to inquiry. Now, not inquiring, that is where the wrong comes in.

      But you are right. Forgiveness is a necessary parcel to be delivered. If there were no wrongs there would be no need for forgiveness. So we all need forgiveness. It seems married couples become more aware of the necessity of forgiveness that other humans.

  3. Al Gored says:

    Yes, yes, but this is all new snow. What counts is the multi-year snow. Wolverines need that or desperate pikas will attack them in their dens, with catastrophic results.

    We have tons of snow in the mountains not far above us. Very slow to melt so far. When the annual planetary fever gets going it is going to be very interesting. I’m predicting the sea level in our beaver ponds is going to rise dramatically. I’ve tried to warn them.

  4. O'sputternik says:

    The Seattle Times front page in the local grocery store is a picture of Rainier I believe with a headline something like: “NEVER THIS MUCH SNOW THIS LATE IN SEASON BEFORE” But I can’t find it electronically. I did find this story in the Herald:


  5. Denis says:

    This is all good. Snow, and now it has been raining intermittently for three days in Gillette. The Missouri and Colorado river basins originate in Wyoming and there are enough dams to regulate the water release. All of the states downstream benefit. And when I look outside in my garden there is a Rufous-sided towhee literally dancing in the rain.

    • Al Gored says:

      Denis – Pardon my total nitpicking here but they have split that species and changed the name to Spotted Towhees in the West and Eastern Towhees in the, well, east. Beautiful birds. Love them eyes.

      • Denis says:

        You are correct and i see that in Wikipedia. So I learned something today. My bird book is 30 years old. Heck, I still say “Bullie for Brontosaurus”, another Wyoming native.

      • Al Gored says:


        They’ve done a quite a few splits and name changes in the last 30 years. More coming. Latest was the Winter Wren.

        On the other hand they split ‘Western Flycatchers’ into two species but that was always a total crock and looks to be reverting back – now that the ‘distinguished’ expert who made that bogus call has died. Lots of these splits are highly dubious to put it mildly. The definition of a ‘species’ seems to be getting more politicized by the day.

        I still think of them as Rufous-sided Towhees but my birder friends are worse than me for nitpicking so I have to keep up just to talk to them… but keep your old bird book and just pencil in these changes.

        Just a darn shame that all these birds are going to be killed off by the Planetary Fever.

    • Jim Cole says:

      And Denis, the Colorado River still has headwaters in Colorado.

      That’s good news for Lake Powell and Lake Mead. I hear the upper lake is already releasing water to make room for the spring thaw. I PREDICT that Lake Mead will be restored to brim-full this season.

  6. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    The rivers will be high this summer with the beautiful, clear run off.

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