2011 Ice Continues To Track 2006

I don’t think that extent is very meaningful this time of year, but FWIW 2011 is tracking 2006 very closely. 2006 had the second highest summer minimum in the JAXA record.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to 2011 Ice Continues To Track 2006

  1. AndyW says:

    Nah, it’s tracking 2010, the orange line is last year Steve, 2006 is a sort of blue


    • Scott says:

      I agree with AndyW. A few weeks ago, I thought they were all (2006, 2010, and 2011) running pretty close together. 2010 and 2006 then diverged, and 2011 seems to run much closer to 2010. I glanced at some of the CT plots, and I don’t know if 2011 really correlates well with ice location to any of the recent years though. It actually looked like the NW passage might be getting ice weak already. I guess it’s time to pull out my spreadsheets, get it updated, and start running some correlations.


      • 2011 and 2006 are no further apart now than they have been most of the year. They have tracked very closely and continue to track very closely. 2010 took a very different path.

    • suyts says:

      As Dr. Stroeve points out, currently, they’re all basically tied. Which means, exactly as Steve stated, it isn’t very meaningful………

  2. Julienne Stroeve says:

    NSIDC numbers for 6/19 are:

    2006: 10.76
    2010: 10.46
    2011: 10.51

    but honestly within the accuracy of the measurement, they are likely tied at the moment.

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    I made a quickie sea ice extent poster, so now I have unperturbed trends to offer for overall global sea ice extent, old thermometers and tide gauges. Where the F is my AGW? Caribou populations? Tea leaves?


  4. Latitude says:

    I still don’t see a problem….
    …you guys do realize the LIA was only 300 years ago

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    It’s angels on the head of a pin sorts of differences. Doesn’t look like the end of the world anytime soon.

  6. Fancy433 says:

    I think I love this web-site. You people are something else but you do have the data to back it.

    Thanks for the good read,

    I needed some.


  7. Chris says:

    “Do you understand what it means to track?The average delta between 2006 and 2011 is much smaller than the average delta between 2010 and 2011.”

    Ummm. The average delta between 2007 and 2011 is even smaller. Oops

  8. AndyW says:

    suyts says:
    June 21, 2011 at 5:19 am
    Andy, you realize that this horse race perception is meaningless, right? Look at your graphic.

    Wait until toward the end of July…….by then, they start separating a bit……of course your graphic isn’t worth that much towards that aspect.

    It’s not meaningless at all, I agree that the main melt has yet to start but are you saying we can’t look at graphs apart from 3 months per year in the summer? Besides it is Steve who started this thread on how one year compares to another from the maxima until the present time so you need to bring it up with him if you think it is pointless. I agree to an extent, but if he is going to do it then at least get the right year to match it against. Currently 2011 is tracking 2010, not 2006, it’s been closer than 2006 for the last few weeks, certainly for longer than when he posted this. He seems to be wanting it to be tracking 2006 so to show that it will be another high summer minima ???


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