Global Warming Hits South America

June 29th, 2011

Five of South America’s major fruit-producing countries have witnessed an historic cold snap over the last week, including a snowstorm in the Argentine citrus region of Tucumán.

Low temperatures were registered in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia.

The blizzard hit Tucumán on Friday in conditions not seen since 1920, while the Brazilian state of Santa Caterina recorded a wind chill of -25°C (-13°F), website reported.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Global Warming Hits South America

  1. Sundance says:

    Kevin Trenberth can’t find missing heat but he calls the scientists over at NOAA idiots for disagreeing with him that extreme weather is not a figment of his imagination.

  2. Ari says:

    And coffee is affected by frosts in Brazil, as in the 70’s.

  3. Latitude says:

    The southern hemisphere doesn’t count….don’t you know?
    No matter what goes on down there, it’s not global warming, it does not conflict with global warming………………………….
    The entire Amazon basin could be covered in snow……don’t matter

  4. Jimbo says:

    If the first paragraph had read:

    Five of South America’s major fruit-producing countries have witnessed an historic heatwave over the last week, including a sandstorm in the Argentine citrus region of Tucumán.

    Warmists would be all over it as a sign of global warming. 😉 In reality it’s just the weather, for now.

  5. Jimbo says:

    The Scottish ski industry is in decline due to global warming. 😉

  6. RVDL says:

    That’s very good news for spanish fruit-producers

  7. Justa Joe says:

    Cold winter & spring in the Northern hemisphere, developing Cold winter in the southern hemisphere, CCX dead, Copenhagen DOA, Kyoto dead, Bonn DOA, Federal Cap & Trade legislation DEAD, Solar activity at a low period

    What’s a inveterate die hard warmist to do? Lash out in all directions, blame the Koch Bros, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, and tea partiers. Call everybody names. React hysterically.

  8. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Lots of nice pictures of the recent snow in tropical Brazil here. The capybara sitting on frosty grass is existentially weird.

    via the amazing Joe d’Aleo at Icecap

  9. rw says:

    Is this caused by the open Artic, too? If so, there’s an asymmetry here that’s crying out for explanation. (Where’s Ill Wind when you need him?)

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