“Islands Sink As Sea Levels Rise”

I don’t know where these things are happening, but I am sure they are happening somewhere – where poor people live.

Whatever you want to call it, the Earth is experiencing drastic changes. Islands sink as sea levels rise. Instead of denying what we know to be true, that ancient glaciers are thawing, and temperatures are rising rapidly in areas that were cooler in recent history, we should unite in an effort to deal with what we can see, and prepare ourselves for climatic changes that surely lie ahead.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to “Islands Sink As Sea Levels Rise”

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! Get your tin foil hats!!!!

  2. Independent says:

    Obviously to this gentleman “sinking” means the same thing as “getting bigger” for many islands. It’s the same disorder as WarmCold Syndrome.

  3. Andy WeissDC says:

    Something out there is happening. We don’t know what, but climate experts say that it’s for real. If we don’t stop it RIGHT NOW, we are DOOMED!

  4. Dave N says:

    Nonsense.. with isostatic adjustment, islands are rising!

    • Bruce says:

      No, the sea is tilting. I can prove it: today the Roman port of Ephesus is 5 km inland, but the Roman period port of Alexander is now 5m below sea level. Which means sailors now have to sail 10m uphill going from Turkey to Egypt. See I can interpret data.

      • glacierman says:

        In hydrogeology we always say – It’s not rocket science, water flows downhill. But now I see that was pre post-normal science. In order to advance their agenda, warmists have shown that water flows uphill when it is caused by AGW. Thanks Bruce. I will add upgradientdowngradient to warmcold, moistdry, and droughtflood so I can keep up with our pre-eminant post-normal climate scientists.

  5. Jim Cole says:

    Cripes! I couldn’t get past more than the first dozen paragraphs before I concluded:

    STUPID is the new normal.

    When this IDIOT lists earthquakes among possible manifestations of “global warming”, then you know you’re dealing with serious BRAIN DAMAGE.

    The Univ Colorado is closing their College of Journalism and re-inventing some new entity to address Communications, Technology, Information, and Something Else. They’re trying to come up with a new name, which is obvious to me:

    Spin Doctors R Us

    [If only I could figure out how to do a reverse “R”]

  6. JeffT says:

    There’s a beautiful piece of Australian folk lore in this poem by Australian poet John O’Brien (1878 – 1952)
    “Said Hanrahan”
    Living through the era of the ‘Federation’ droughts, bushfires and floods would have given him an insight into “Climate Change” which would surpass the B/S presented these days as Climate Change, Global Warming and Climate Disruption.

    “We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,

  7. Billy Liar says:

    @Jim Cole

    ? <- use this one!

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