One Of The Weirdest Things I Ever Did

Around 1981, I ran all the way across the Southern Rockies – mostly at night – by myself.

It was about 60 miles up and down between 11,000 feet and 7,000 feet. There was a full moon, but clouds darkened the sky for hours at a time. Somehow I made it across without twisting an ankle or getting eaten my a mountain lion.

The Rio Grande is the drainage to the west. The Valles Caldera and Los Alamos are on the other side of the river. Santa Fe is just south. You can see smoke from a fire currently burning to the north.

I was really sore the next day.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to One Of The Weirdest Things I Ever Did

  1. Scott says:

    Still run any?

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    I’m glad you didn’t get stuck for 127 hours somewhere.

  3. Nobama says:

    Being killed by a mountain lion isn’t the picnic many imagine it to be. 🙂

    Here is a real encounter story….

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