Playing Games With Colors At NCDC

NCDC maps always make it look like the world is burning up, because of their choice of color scheme.

I removed all the red, and hue shifted the blue. It becomes clear that much of the planet has been running cold in 2011.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Playing Games With Colors At NCDC

  1. Peter Ellis says:

    If you remove all the bits that are hotter than average, then the remainder is cooler than average?


  2. J Calvert N says:

    Is the original NCDC map based on GISS data? I have seen it before – and ignored it. It looks like total . . . . ! For a start, it’s a grid of equally spaced dots superimposed on a Mercator’s Projection – what’s going-on there? These seem to give a more plausible picture. and

    • J Calvert N says:

      Sorry wrong link the second one should have been

    • You’re right – Mercator makes the Arctic Circle look the same length (circumference) as the equator. I understood the map was supposed to be based on grid squares of equal size, but the NCDC map has grid squares reducing in actual size towards the poles. Creative accounting indeed.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      GISS reports are based on NCDC Data. NCDC is part of the National Weather Service and they are responsible for the equipment used to measure the temperatures as well as collecting data from other nations. They do their “Magic” then turn it over to GISS for further Torture!

    • Independent says:

      That is not a Mercator Projection.

      • J Calvert N says:

        You’re right it’s not Mercator, it’s sort of “squashed” at the poles. But what is it? Certainly NOT an equal-area projection! Look at the relative sizes of Greenland and Brazil. Area of Greenland = 836,109 sq mi. Area of Brazil = 3,287,597 sq mi.

  3. Andy WeissDC says:

    There are some obvious tricks up their sleave. They have a large, very hot area in Siberia, right next to a large cold area just to the south. They have Australia surrouded by hot water, even though the land mass is cold. In fact they have to whole south Pacific warm, with their warm areas virtually touching the cold areas.

    Basically, every place that is not clearly documented to be below nomal, they make it above normal. There is a clear attempt to warm bias this chart as much as humanly possible.

  4. Sean McHugh says:

    Perhaps a way of showing the visual deception with the red dots, is to reverse the colours so that red represents cool and blue represents hot. That would even be more in line with physics.

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