To Protect And To Serve

Bicyclist seriously injured after being hit by Fort Collins police car

A Fort Collins police officer responding to a call struck and injured a bicyclist with his patrol car in the intersection of Elizabeth and Remington streets early this morning, police said.

Thomas Wagner, 21, of Fort Collins, was hospitalized in serious condition at Poudre Valley Hospital following the approximately 2 a.m. collision with Officer Todd Brubaker’s 2005 Crown Victoria sedan, police said.

A Fort Collins police officer who hit a cyclist while responding to a call in May has been charged with careless driving resulting in injury.

Fort Collins police announced tonight that 11-year veteran Officer Todd Brubaker was charged with a class-one traffic misdemeanor after a speed reconstruction of the accident at Elizabeth and Remington streets found his patrol car was traveling between 40 to 45 mph on Elizabeth Street when he hit cyclist Thomas Wagner about 1:50 a.m. May 24.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to To Protect And To Serve

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Accidents always happen. That’s why bikes shouldn’t be near auto traffic. Most of the time a car on car accident leaves the people involved with little or no injuries. But a car on bike accident is almost always bad for the person on bike. Cars and bikes just don’t mix. In the big picture it’s safer for bikes to be on the sidewalk.

    • It is illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk here. The cops arrest you if you ride on the sidewalk and they run you over if you ride on the road.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        I know you can’t ride bikes on the sidewalk.

        Humans always make mistakes. And it really sucks when someone in a car gets into an accident with someone on a bike. I drove by a car/bike accident. It was an old woman in the car and a young woman on the bike. I think the girl on the bike had a broken leg. The old woman looked so sad. She had such remorse on her face and in how she moved. I felt just as bad for her as the girl on the bike.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Cops do have to drive fast to get to a call.

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