Truth Is Defined By Whatever Random Thought Pops Into The Warmist Brain – No Actual Facts Are Ever Required

Global warming, unlike religion, is not to be taken on faith. The so-called skeptics or deniers should not say their skepticism or denial is based on nonbelief. Global warming has nothing to do with belief or nonbelief.

Global warming, or global climate change, is based on observable scientific facts.

These facts are not in dispute by climatologists or other scientists who make a study of weather phenomenon their focus. Much was made of a petition signed by thousands of scientists who have little or nothing to do with climatology. That and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee.

As has been said many times by many people: “You may have your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”

Unfortunately, many people are taken by misinformed opinions spewed out as facts. Facts can be, and are, subject to interpretation and opinions. But starting with the same set of information provides a basis for discussion and, ultimately, action.

True enough, some areas in the United States experienced severe cold spells this past winter. It also is true many areas of the United States and the world experienced a very mild, even warm, winter. Sure, it might have been minus 20 in Rapid City, S.D., but at the same time, it was 110 in the shade in Rio de Janeiro.

The warmest temperature in Rio since December 1 of last year was 95F.

Last winter was the 37th coldest on record in the US, and the previous winter was the 15th coldest on record in the US.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Truth Is Defined By Whatever Random Thought Pops Into The Warmist Brain – No Actual Facts Are Ever Required

  1. From the article:

    Sure, it might have been minus 20 in Rapid City, S.D., but at the same time, it was 110 in the shade in Rio de Janeiro.

    But daily weather observations should not be mistaken for climate change.

    So we can disregard that first statement then?

    Later: The other thing to remember about global warming is it does not occur all at once. Temperatures will inch up by maybe 0.1 degree per year.

    As they’ve done since the turn of the century?

  2. Al Gored says:

    “Federal climate scientists are teaming up with horticulturalists to inform the public about the potential effects of climate change on gardens.”

    Since this will be dealing with people who actually pay attention to their gardens, seems like a guaranteed fail. Almost anything in a garden that started early around here this year is either dead or retarded… hmm… retarded… So could AGW cause retarded development of other things too? Like logical thinking?

    P.S. In Rio, it is always hotter in the shade. The sun doesn’t matter there.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    Can someone explain what this statement is supposed to mean?

    “Facts can be, and are, subject to interpretation and opinions. But starting with the same set of information provides a basis for discussion and, ultimately, action.”

  4. Andy WeissDC says:

    Never let facts get in the way of good propaganda.

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