1906 : Climate Warming – Glaciers Disappearing


About Tony Heller

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One Response to 1906 : Climate Warming – Glaciers Disappearing

  1. Blade says:

    Plain text …

    Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Saturday 26 May 1906


    That the earth is growing temporarily warmer is shown by the mountain glaciers. These are made by varying temperature and moisture to increase and diminish in size during periods of years that may be found to be more or less regular cycles, and a period of quite general decrease began about 45 years ago. This has continued, with many local interruptions, as in the case of Glacier Blanc, which advanced from 1889 to 1896. The latest report includes 90 glaciers in the Swiss Alps, in Norway, Greenland, the Caucasus, the Pamir, the North West United States, Western Canada. and Africa, and practically all are growing smaller. In the Savoy Alps and the Pyrenees small glaciers have quite disappeared.

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