1914 : Optimists Hoped For Global Warming


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to 1914 : Optimists Hoped For Global Warming

  1. Blade says:

    Plain text …

    Western Mail (Perth, WA) Friday 1 May 1914


    Warmer winters are predicted by Major R. A. Marriott iu a little book on “The Change in the Climate,”‘ published by E. Marlborough and Co. In support of this view he cites the rapid reduction of the ice fringes at both Poles, and the gradual retreat of the glaciers of Switzerland. Major Marriott bases his figures on the calculations of the unorthodox astronomer Drayson, and affirms in support of his theory that Julius Caesar writes continually of frosts which enabled whole armies to cross large rivers in Gaul — conditions which belong to a climate which has passed away long ago.

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