Greenland must have frozen very quickly at the end of the non-existent MWP.
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I thought it would be worthwhile to copy the plaintext here …
Can someone with better Google-Fu skills try to follow up on this discovery. I can find nothing, absolutely nothing.
You would think that this might take up at least a sentence on the wiki Viking page, but you would be wrong.
It contradicts WIKI’s version of climate history!
Not “toweled”, please. “Towered before them” is more like it.
The ‘Argus’ of Melbourne may have been the ‘News of the World’ of it’s day, so this story could be as valid as the photos of “Hilary Clintons Space Alien Love Child”. However, if real it is speculation that the rapid freezing was at end of MWP. There are mastadons frozen standing upright in Siberia from 11,000 YBP. In 1922 there would have been no method for dating other than dress. There is ample evidence that civilization extends far past the accepted dogma. Read Graham Hancocks, “Underworld” or “Forbidden Archelogy” for more supressed science and history.