1946 : HG Wells – Life On Earth Doomed


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 1946 : HG Wells – Life On Earth Doomed

  1. P.J. says:

    “For all my desire to be interested I have to confess that for most things and people I don’t give a damn”. – H. G. Wells

  2. P.J. says:

    “Mr. Wells means to say all that is in him, and if there is not very much in him, that is not his fault”. -Hilaire Belloc

  3. Sundance says:

    I was just mentioning how JR at Pink Progress is alot like HGW with the end of the world stuff like this. This is a sample of calamity change shock and awe. WARNING: this video is scarry and may cause insomnia, thoughts of suicide and/or brain damage that causes you to want a carbon tax! Watch at your own risk.


    • Mike Davis says:

      Chicken Little and the Snake Oil conglomerate rolled into one!
      I agree that the world needs help by stop funding IPCC and UN! Eliminating these organizations would be the best first step in saving the world.

    • P.J. says:

      “I was just mentioning how JR at Pink Progress is alot like HGW with the end of the world stuff like this”

      Like JR, HGW was also a socialist.

    • Andy WeissDC says:

      Using little children as chess pieces in their stupid game is beyond sickening.

    • Blade says:

      I watched that video. Purely disgusting and vile propaganda, coupled with kids it amounts to child abuse.

      Is that one from before or after the 10:10 No Pressure?

      My gut reaction is that the guillotine should be brought back. And used, often.

      These people are not only telling us but showing us the lengths they will go to brainwash our own children. People had better wake up!

  4. DirkH says:

    “The devoutly Christian Lewis was especially incensed at Wells’s The Shape of Things to Come where a future world government systematically persecutes and completely obliterates Christianity (and all other religions), which the book presents as a positive and vitally necessary act.”


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