2011 Ice Continues To Closely Track 2006


2011 in red. 2006 in green. If the analogy is correct, it should almost bottom out in two weeks.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to 2011 Ice Continues To Closely Track 2006

  1. On the up-side, if 2012 doesn’t beat 2007, we’ll have 5 consecutive years of an upwardly growing “downward death-spiral”. I really like the new normals of climate science.

  2. Lance says:

    However, our 6 and 7 year old ice will still not have recovered…love the math too eh! 🙂

  3. AndyW says:

    If it was tracking 2006 this year wouldn’t the two lines be on top of each other? Or is you definition of tracking different to everyone else?

    I’m you think if you say it enough times it will be right. Come the minima if it does happen to be the same as 2006 then no doubt you will claim a great victory lol

    • If I keep saying that you make idiotic comments, will you finally stop making idiotic comments?

    • suyts says:

      lol “I’m you think?”
      Andy he’s got your fingers tied in knots. He’s having much fun with this already.
      Tracking closely doesn’t mean tracking exactly the same….. just similar.
      And, it would seem 2006 isn’t out of the question. The next two weeks should tell the tale.

      • AndyW says:

        No suyts, if you take all recent years and put them on the graph, rather than removing the ones you don’t like, then how does the tracking of 2006 compare to 2011 then? Or do other years track more closely this year?


        Since the melt season really got into swing, May, 2011 has more cloesely tracked 2010 and then 2007. It may end up tracking 2006 from this point but it has not up to now.

        It shows that rather than take one of the standard graphs he has to make his own up and has to throw away half the data away so he can make the claim. I think Steve should therefore apply for a job at the University of East Anglia 😉

        I doubt Steve could even tie a not suyts, probably gets his mum to tie his shoe laces still….


  4. AndyW says:

    Blimey my speellings are getting worse. heh

  5. gator69 says:

    The ice in my cooler melted yesterday, but my icemaker more than made up for the loss. My world is cooling.

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