
Yes! We need to get back to the days of the massive floods, droughts, hurricanes  and fires of the 19th century.

300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm

300.org exists to inform people about the Climate Emergency and the need to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentration to a safe and sustainable level of about 300 ppm.

The fundamental position of 300.org is that “There must be a safe and sustainable existence for all peoples and all species on our warming-threatened Planet and this requires a rapid reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration to about 300 parts per million”. [1].

300.org urges the World to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) to about 300 parts per million by volume (ppm). In urging a target of an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 300 ppm, 300.org is informed by the advice of top world climate scientists as set out below.




About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to 300.org

  1. DirkH says:

    In light of the precautionary principle, i refuse to become a member of an organisation with such grossly negligent goals and hereby demand the founding of 270.org ! Or, just to be safe, maybe 220.org.

    Unfortunately, 270.org is already owned by a domain grabber… 220.org as well… dang… 150.org? again… wait… domain grabbers all the way down to 000.org. That can’t be! Somebody call Den Haag!

  2. omnologos says:

    Doesn’t “org” stand for “orgy”? Debauched, all 300 of them!!

    ps from http://www.climateworks.org/download/?id=0b0ab279-e644-47b4-8768-9241d4cb0527

    450 parts per million (ppm) of CO2e, a level that many scientists agree should provide a “guard rail” against catastrophic climate change

  3. Andy WeissDC says:

    Those people are so far gone that it is frightening. Maybe I’ll start O.org to rid the planet of every last bit of evil CO2.

  4. Myron Mesecke says:

    I vote for 283.org. My brother would vote for 327.org. Those were the engine sizes in our Chevy Impalas back in the day. Hey, at least I can explain where my numbers came from.

    • I have a friend who was given a cherry* 1964 Impala with that 283 2-bbl V-8 as a graduation present circa 1992. She managed to bend the frame within six months. The engine was put into a crappy old pickup truck and inadvertently run out of oil.

      Honestly, though: I like the sixes. A 15 litre 2000ft-lb torque Cat is about right for toodling around town.

      * it even had the factory under-the-dash tissue holder.

  5. Blade says:

    Even Hansen isn’t this stupid …

    Therefore, it is foolish to demand that policy makers reduce CO2 to 280 ppm. Indeed, if, with a magic wand, we reduced CO2 from today’s 389 ppm to 280 ppm that change would increase Earth’s heat radiation to space by almost 2 watts (per square meter). The planet would rapidly move toward a colder climate, probably colder than the Little Ice Age. Whoever wielded the magic wand might receive a Middle Ages punishment, such as being drawn and quartered. – James Hansen, from ‘Conversation with Bill McKibben‘ dated December 12, 2010. [see: PDF from Columbia.edu], [also see: Discussion at WUWT].

    Since plant activity will completely stop in the low 200’s, one can conclude that these extremist Green Socialists are willing to kill the planet to save it.

    Therefore the Precautionary Principle would dictate that we err on the side of caution, the high side.

    All aboard for 1000.org!

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