Aggie Joke : Dessler Has A Plan To End The Drought In Texas

 “I certainly don’t think that praying will hurt. My concern is that the governor has no Plan B. If praying doesn’t work, what then? If we don’t start taking reasonable steps to protect ourselves soon, then I will indeed be praying – for better leadership in Austin.”

Maybe a carbon tax? Does this guy honestly believe that the Governor has the power to end the drought?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Aggie Joke : Dessler Has A Plan To End The Drought In Texas

  1. Bruce says:

    Maybe he should invite Al to speak at Texas A&M. The Gore Effect is amazing: instant rainfall guaranteed.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Aggie Joke: Dressler!
    Was the only headline you needed!

  3. suyts says:

    I think Bruce is on to something. That would be my plan B! Why didn’t my governor think of that? Imma writing him a letter telling him what a sack of ……. OK, I do understand that even the porcine would have to hold their noses, but still, rain and snow is rain and snow.

  4. gator69 says:

    It’s better to do nothing at all than to do something badly.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    What exactly would former Clinton administration member, Dessler, have the governor due about the drought?

  6. DERise says:

    Forgive me for my sin.

    I had a friend down in Texas that wanted to get into chicken farming, so he got 100 chicks, buried them all head up in the ground, watered them. fertilized them, nad when he went out the next morning, they were all dead.
    Thinking he did something wrong, he got 100 more chicks, buried them all head down in the ground, watered them. fertilized them, nad when he went out the next morning, they were all dead.
    Frustrated, he called a professer friend at Texas A&M and explained what he did. The prof thought a few minutes and “send me a soil sample and we’ll see what the problem is”.

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