Alarmists Remind Us That The 1930s Heat Was Confined To The US

h/t to Ivan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Alarmists Remind Us That The 1930s Heat Was Confined To The US

  1. Ivan says:

    Confined to England as well, apparently:
    Worst August For 19 Years
    The shade temperature at three o’clock to-day was 92. This has been the hottest August since 1911, when a record temperature of 100 was reached at Greenwich”
    ~29 Aug 1930

  2. And to South Africa – my family’s livestock died from lack of fodder and water and our farm was, in the end, sold. The drought and heat there lasted almost ten years …

  3. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    In the good days of the 30s the United States engulfed the entire globe or the Chicken Little Brigade is telling Fairy Tales. Take your pick!
    I will take door number two!

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