America’s Hurricane Future

My visualization of a typical day in September, 2031. Glacier National Park will lose the last of its glaciers in a category six hurricane, which will send massive chunks of ice flying into Winnipeg.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to America’s Hurricane Future

  1. glacierman says:

    Even with all those storms, Texas is still in a drought. haha – Aggie joke.

  2. John Silver says:


  3. Gator says:

    Shouldn’t each Great Lake have its own named storm? And let’s not forget Lake Powell…

  4. Lance says:

    Well, that photo is cause for concern…just look at Alaska and Hawaii, those storms moved them that close to America!!

  5. Justa Joe says:

    It’s a posssible scenario that is consistent with the scientific projections of a warming world. Heck, anything is consistent with AGW (as long as it’s bad) because they just make it up as they go.

  6. Blade says:

    This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.

    What do you mean, “biblical”?

    What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.


    Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

    Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…

    The dead rising from the grave!

    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  7. Gator says:

    You should also include the methane fired flaming torandoes in Alaska.

  8. Independent says:

    Are you doing the cover for Al Gore’s next book?

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