Another Junk Science Icon Shot Down

Jon Huntsman prides himself in trusting all alarmist scientist’s tripe.

Study on global plant die-off faces questions
By Kerry Sheridan (AFP) – 19 hours ago

WASHINGTON — A study on plant productivity that said drought and global warming were killing off plants worldwide is now being questioned by scientists, according to research published Thursday.

In the study published in the journal Science last year, researchers Maosheng Zhao and Steven Running of the University of Montana used NASA satellite data to show that productivity declined slightly from 2000-2009.

Those findings contradicted previous studies from the 1980s and 1990s that showed warmer temperatures in some parts of the world were driving longer growing seasons and greater plant growth around the globe.

Having more plants on Earth would be good news because it would help offset greenhouse gas emissions by absorbing more carbon dioxide.

While Running noted at the time that the findings came as “a bit of a surprise,” the study raised concerns about global food security, biofuels and our understanding of the carbon cycle.

The new questions about the study, published in Science on Thursday, are posed by scientists at Boston University in the United States and the Universities of Vicosa and Campinas in Brazil.

A press release distributed to reporters by Boston University said their study is “refuting earlier alarmist claims that drought has induced a decline in global plant productivity.”
Statements included by the researchers describe Zhao and Running’s model as “erratic,” “poorly formulated,” and showing no “trends that are statistically significant.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Another Junk Science Icon Shot Down

  1. suyts says:

    The sophistry in that study was magnanimous and was yet another example of placing unwarranted belief in models over reality. Anyone that bought into that tripe to begin with needs to quit reading that stuff and go back to their life’s calling…….. flipping burgers.

  2. Russell C says:

    Have no fear, Steve Running will simply respond by saying his critics suffer from “The 5 Stages of Climate Grief”, as he so aptly described here:

  3. Sundance says:

    The Kochs are obviously funding the NASA pseudoscience that besmirches this paper from the Journal of Science.

  4. Paul says:

    As we all know.Species come and species go.It is a scientific fact.However,facts are never taught in todays world.Well,I should say honest fact is never taught in todays world.Made up facts are taught.All perspective is lost.We should only be taught perspective form the last 100 years or maybe the last 1000 years.Never be taught to see things from the last 4.3 billion years.
    Again as wtih other posts I have put on this site.I will attach this link again.Please read.

  5. Roketsurgin says:

    Now, what were we talking about?

  6. Huntsman picks which scientists to believe. The others must have gotten their degrees from Univ. of Phoenix Online.

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