Bob Berwyn Says Global Warming Is Wiping Out Colorado Trout

Anglers may have to climb high to find fish as global warming takes a toll on trout.

By Bob Berwyn
SUMMIT COUNTY β€” A combination of rising temperatures and changes in the timing of runoff and streamflows could reduce trout habitat in the western U.S. by about 50 percent during the next 70 years, with some populations disappearing completely within just a few decades.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Bob Berwyn Says Global Warming Is Wiping Out Colorado Trout

  1. Ivan says:

    A summary of 72 years of climate variability in the UK (1795 – 1867)
    ~27 July 1867

  2. Dave N says:

    To be fair he says “could”, not “is”.. Mind you, the Earth could be struck by an asteroid in the next 70 years, too; that’s about how moronic his claim is.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    The trout had to get in those streams somehow and I do not think teleportation had anything to do with it. The weather conditions have been more extreme in the past than what he is predicting and the trout are still there. They managed to survive what was called a five hundred year drought in that region. Mentalmyopia is a wondrous thing to behold but it seems to be contagious, at least many appear to have caught it from members of the Chicken Little Brigade! I believe it is only life threatening in the advanced stages and some have even recovered form the condition.

  4. Latitude says:

    I wonder if Bob realizes that those “native” trout are hatchery raised and restocked as needed?

    “The hatching of trout eggs has evolved over millennia”
    and the weather has never changed in Millennia……don’t even realize how stupid they sound

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    Poor little trout! Can’t adapt to a few degrees of change. Then how come they are around today, given all the past climate change?

    With fish farming, we can produce all the fish one would ever need.

    • Mike Davis says:

      I tried planting some in my garden this spring but they did not grow! πŸ™ Maybe it is bad soil or global warming has something to do with it! πŸ˜‰
      I will try once again next spring and maybe try some Miracle Grow, maybe that will work!!!!
      Don’t tell my neighbors as they think I have learned to farm out here in farming country!
      We are getting about a dozen eggs off our egg plants every day!
      They say I have to wait another year to get potatoes off the potato tree!

  6. Latitude says:

    “These losses would have major impacts on trout fishing”
    Fishing, sking, and drinking (wine)……..
    …is that the best they’ve got

    I’ve like to see one study on how global warming threatens the Volt, Leaf, or Prius

  7. Those streams and lakes are getting so warm, it’ll soon be possible to open health-spa resorts on them with all-year open-air bathing.

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