A new village idiot has arrived who thinks that 2011 is following a similar pattern to 2007. Green represents ice present in 2011 that was not present in 2007, and red is the opposite.
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Why don’t you plot the JAXA extent for 2011 and 2007 on the same graph like you kept on doing for 2006?
All the time you were plotting 2006 it was more accurately tracking 2007.
Please keep on calling me an idiot and a moron if it makes you feel better.
Why don’t you wait three weeks until it becomes obvious what is happening?
Welcome to the new idiot, that makes a select bunch of 3 of us 🙂
Spatially wise it is not following 2007 because that tongue of multiyear towards Siberia is not melting that fast, but amount of ice loss wise it is likely to be closer to 2007 than any other year.
I’ve been on holiday, sunny Devon, so just catching up. Is the 2006 v 2011 trending graph still going strong?
Yes you are.
You know the warmists are losing it when they are reduced to this.
Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists
Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report
PS This is from the Graniaud’s Science Editor, not their Science Fiction Editor!
For a minute, I thought it was April 1st. Are they for real?
Further to that aliens theme … remember the lecture by Michael Chrichton called “Aliens Cause Global Warming”?:
That supposition is just as plausible as the assumption that catastrophic warming is happening, and humans are the primary cause if it is or if it is not!
Just because weather patterns are “WELL” within historical bounds and evidence shows we are experiencing some of the mildest weather compared to past events must not be enough for the Chicken Little Brigade!
Some would call it making a mountain from a mole hill but in this case it is like making a mountain from a grain of sand. Electron microscopes are a wondrous thing to behold as they make everything larger than life!
Going OT abit, aren’t you Paul?
He is, but the article he posted is well worth the read, if only to show how ridiculous the whole “global wawrming” thing is getting in the press. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more stupid, it did … and then some.
See anything familiar with this nonsense? (hint, think hockey)
“This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future. Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa’s Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity “prepare for actual contact”.
They are already here! I have seen them! They are friendly, affectionate and make wonderful companions, once you get used to them changing colors and glowing in the dark. They don’t seem to know squat about AGW! For intelligent life, they seem pretty stupid.