Sea level is almost as high as it was 45 years ago!
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- arn on A Serious Problem
Yes, but as soon as Australia puts in their carbon POLLUTION tax, sea levels will fall, the reefs will blossom, CO2 will drop back to a safe 300ppm and life will return to normal…(is this april 1?)
“sea levels will fall, the reefs will blossom, CO2 will drop back to a safe 300ppm and life will return to normal…”
…cats and dogs living together…
It must be all the fish we are harvesting. Just as when you get out of the bathtub, the water lowers. We have been pulling fish out of the oceans for thousands of years and noone, not even the University of Colorado has started adding millimeters to compensate. We really need to go back and retroactively adjust sea levels. Using the standard 3 millimeter per year adjustment, and calculating roughly 10,000 years of organized fishing, we come to the conclusion that sea levels are 98.4251969 feet higher now than we think they are! It is time for massive coastal evacuations.
The sea rise is such a great problem, former PM Kevin Rudd bought a water front house on the beach and has just bought another one on the Brisbane river. Despite being one of the greatest alarmists in the country, he obviously doesn’t actually “believe”. Neither does Tim Flannery, the greatest alarmist we have, who has written heaps of books on the subject. He has used the money to buy waterfront property. When asked, he replied to the effect that it just doesn’t apply to him.