Government Reports On The Ice-Free Arctic

Monday, August 22, 2011

The upside of global warming and the melting of the polar icecap is that the United States may be able to significantly expand its territorial interests at sea.

WTF are these people talking about?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Government Reports On The Ice-Free Arctic

  1. glacierman says:

    I thought I was really scared when Serreze told us about the “death spiral” in the arctic, but a picture is worth a thousand words……It really is worse than we thought.

  2. Pascvaks says:

    Re- “WTF are these people talking about?”

    (SarcOn)Perhaps the question – “WTF are these people sniffing, popping, drinking, snorting, chewing, shooting, wiffing, eating, and/or hiding in various body cavities?”, should preceed the one about their vocal noise making? As they say, ”never judge a book by its cover, always read the Clif Notes first”. I’ll bet a weekly urinalysis would help improve the level of science in Climatology in this flat broke country of ours too; not to mention the same being done to every politician.(SarcOff;-)

  3. Ralph says:

    SarcOn)Perhaps the question – “WTF are these people sniffing, popping, drinking, snorting, chewing, shooting, wiffing, eating, and/or hiding in various body cavities at tax payers expense?”,


  4. gator69 says:

    “WTF are these people talking about?”

    Building igloo settlements on the ice?

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    It’s already 8/22. Maybe 3 weeks left in the waning melt season. Looks like a big, healthy chunk of ice to me!

  6. Terra Incognita says:

    arctic io/observations/8/2011-08-21/5-N85.464979-W164.771626
    I read the text directly to the left of the animated image.

  7. Terra Incognita says:

    The website I linked to is the same one from which you got your image. It is not the article that I’m drawing attention to but the website’s statement of purpose, which I quote below. My point is that the site you’re linking to does not consider that picture evidence of an abundance of ice.

    “Earth has no emergency exit and is getting hotter. Polar caps are melting and oceans are rising. Arctic will be ice free soon. Can we stop CO2 and terraforming early enough?”

  8. Beale says:

    “But so do the other seven nations whose territory borders on the Arctic; the members of the Arctic Council are the U.S., Russia, Canada, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden and Denmark, which represents Greenland.”
    It’s a minor point perhaps, but neither Sweden nor Finland has an Arctic coast.

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