Guardian Shock News : Seashells Thrived In The Jurassic At 1,000 PPM CO2

But I thought they said that shells will dissolve at 500 ppm. Perhaps man-made CO2 is different, and creates more corrosive acids than natural CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Guardian Shock News : Seashells Thrived In The Jurassic At 1,000 PPM CO2

  1. glacierman says:

    Those fossils were placed there as a deception by evil big oil.

  2. sean2829 says:

    Sea shells are made from Calcium Carbonate and if you look at the solubility product of that material at different temperatures, limestone actually drops in solubility as the temperature rises. This is because with an excess of carbonic acid you get a lot of calcium bi-carbonate or Ca(HCO3)2 which increases the solubility. However the bi-carbonate is made unstable by warming the water. Hence you see lots of limestone and carbonate formations in warm water but little in cold water. Warm water temperature is the key to sequestering CO2 as carbonate (and releasing the over half of the bi-carbonate as CO2).

  3. gator69 says:

    But that was natural CO2, and not the deadly man made kind.

  4. A K Haart says:

    Yes but the fossils are dead, so evil CO2 killed them. Correlation you see.

  5. Scott says:

    Who here thinks that I can efficiently dissolve calcium oxalate by adding oxalic acid?

    Why would calcium carbonate and carbonic acid be any different?

    Adding CO2 to water does not lower the total amount of deprotonated carbonate available to form shells.


    • suyts says:

      lol, Scott, speak English!! Not Chemistry!!!

      Who in the hell knows what deprotonated carbonate is? What the heck is oxalic acid? And how does it apply to the conversation?

      Well, Google is our friend in this case……
      deprotonated carbonate = mostly bicarbonate in this setting.

      Just teasing with you…… you had me searching before your first sentence was done! Thanks.

  6. 1DandyTroll says:

    Probably German made sea shells. The ones that dissolve at 500 ppm are obviously Chinese made. :p

  7. Kevin says:

    This might be the first time I’ve ever heard of a non-living object ‘thriving’. Did rocks thrive too back then?

    • Abiogenic seashells. You get moron award for the early afternoon..

      • Kevin says:

        Thank you! It is a great honor. I’d like to thank my parents – I love you Mom and Dad! I’d also like to thank my teachers for giving me the tools needed to win this award. And thanks to all of the friends who truly believed that I could win even when I doubted it myself. You guys were right! I won!

        I’m sure I’ve forgotten to thank many people. I’m too filled with nervous excitement to think straight. Thank you again. I am truly honored.

  8. glacierman says:

    Coprolite did better than ever!

  9. Latitude says:

    Look, this is really stupid…..
    You can only get these “acid pH” levels in the lab… literally adding acid.
    CO2 will not do it…..

    and they are lying to everyone about it.

    For one thing, the second you start dissolving calcium carbonate……you start buffering

    Every one of these animals – and plants – that incorporate calcium carbonate, have to be able to dissolve it first…..they do that by lowering their internal pH

  10. John Silver says:

    Corals are a symbiosis of primitive animals and algae which are plants and do the CO2 thing that plants do.

    • Latitude says:

      John, it’s a dinoflagellate, genus Symbiodinium……

      …but algae is close enough 😉

    • Corals drank my beer.
      Chicxulub? That was a coral who got tired of hearing about that Chuck Norris fairy.
      Reef-building corals don’t like to brag, but every train derailment has occurred within their striking range from the sea.
      Omerta is Sicilian for, Acropora palmata.

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