virtually all climate scientists, as well as the academies of science of most Western nations, agree global warming is real and dangerous and, for that matter, significantly the result of human activities. Yes, the only real scientific debate is what to do about it.
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Could very well be a headline from 1615:
“..virtually all scientists, as well as the academies of science, agree that the Earth has the Sun revolving around it and, for that matter, is completely flat. Yes, the only real scientific debate is what to do about it.”
Yeah, here’s the money quote:
“But the dangers of global warming are real, as much as we may loathe government intervention. And our nation cannot afford to ignore poorly performing schools, underfunded entitlement programs or a host of other problems that ultimately require collective action — government — to fix.”
Of course global warming, like underfunded entitlement programs, has not existed for the last 10-12 years. Instead, “collective action” (a phrase I’m sure warms the heart of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and generations of Chinese Communists) has funneled hundreds of billions of our tax dollars into failed central-committee programs to “fix the problem”, just like our public school systems. FAIL.
Government IS the problem. Time to starve the Beast, cut spending by trillions every year (not over ten years), and take control of our own darn lives.
Jim Cole is right on the money here – government IS the problem, especially now they keep referring us to some crazy resolution passed by totally corrupt and unelected buffoons in the UN on the grounds that “we must comply with International Law.” Since when did any of us vote for the people making this “International Law” on our behalf? Since when did the IPCC become a “law making body?” or Greenpeace or any of the other “single issue” pressure groups currently dictating policy and fund allocation to our governments and bureaucrats?
Very clever scam. Create a crisis so great that the only solution is to turn all our money and freedom back to our Benevolent Big Brother (The Federal Governmnet).
“Government” . Those evil typos are the curse of the Devil. They can’t possibly be my fault!
If you happen to find a “Reliable” copy editor let me know! I think the problem is caused by Global Warming!
We’d better add “deterioration of the English language” to the list:
The SunTimes neglected to state who wrote the article. Was it submitted by the DNC?
Maybe one of the Climo-trolls can explain how this is even a news article and/or where is the GOP rebuttal?
Various AGW mouthpieces have even stated that the issue is not climate at all; it’s all about political change and social justice (socialism). And socialism HAS to be a program run by an elite group who pulls all the strings. It’s all about who ends up in the power seat and has access to all of the funds stolen from the people by the government.
We know about as much of the climate system today as a medieval barber did the human anatomy.
I think I’ll get a 2nd opinion.
Climatology is FUBAR!
Maybe another can give you a third opinion! 🙂