Which scientists Jon? Lindzen, Dyson, Happer, Spencer, Christie, Pielke ……. ?
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- Francis Barnett on The Bel Air Fire Of 1961
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- Robertvd on The Bel Air Fire Of 1961
Science is business……and in the business of making money
Science now exists to create cash flows to Universities, resulting in more scientists, who then are hired to produce more cash flows to Universities, and so on, and so on. Having been on this conveyor belt in the past, I know it all too well. The need is particularly acute in the dismal sciences such as economics, epidemiology, sociology, psychology, ecology, environmental studies, sustainability studies, cultural ecology, which have suffered from a historical lack of research funds. The CACC cult has enriched the academic careers of hundreds of thousands of ‘scientists’. This cargo cult movement is not going away any time soon.
Unfortunately, Pielke believes in global warming. But I get your point, loud and clear.
I “be “fine, as long as he is clear eyed about the edges of his belief
You’re crazy to make such an ignorant statement, and run as a republican. Maybe the democrats are more your cup of hemlock.
No doubt. Even if he believes that way, what sense does it make to make that statement? The only thing crazier would be to openly court the votes of log cabin Republicans. You won’t win the nomination. Given his lack of discernment and judgement, we can say, as Lat just did, or what I like to query after winning a game of pool,
Q. Do you know what the barber said as he dusted off his chair? A. NEXT!!!
And the moron thinks he should be the one to run this country?
This guy was cut from Global Guv cloth. He was an envoy to China for Obama, for Christ’s sake. Soros must have been pouring over his Glenn Beck game tapes and learned that Glenn admired the Senior Huntsman.
What luck! He had a Trojan Horse, ready to ride into the Heartland, and infect, er, uh, enlighten Conservatives, and lead them to the Eco Wonderland.
Collectivists are so Ego centric, they think Conservatives are like them: If they can just show us the right Avatar flick, we’ll line up like sheep for the slaughter; pole vault into the Abyss with Nancy Pelosi.
Hmmm…. speaking of Pole Vaulting, I must say, what a fine sport!
My opinion of Pole Vaulting has just gone up.
I haven’t seen anything about Huntsman to recommend him over the other candidates. Does he have any good points, or is he just another Big Gov Liberal R who waves the flag?
Someone should ask him what he means by “global warming:” The 0.6C or so that’s probably real, over the last 130 or so years, or the Al Gore “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!” version.
One should also remember that there are only about 80 qualified scientists on this topic and 97% of them agree with the Al Gore version of warming. /sarc_off
Crazy is not the first word that comes to mind here. I can’t type it here though.
The idiot believes in evolution (science is *not* faith) whereas he should simply state that he trusts the scientific evidence that points to evolution.
The idiot trusts scientists on global warming (but AGW *is* a faith) whereas he should simply state he believes in AGW.
He has reversed logical positions.
All he is proving is that as a mere candidate before even setting foot in the District of Criminals where the political climate is an unrelenting Socialist high pressure system, he is already molded into a deformed spineless Manchurian bureaucrat. Once they get ahold of him, after four years of this twerp it would be barely an different than Barry or Jimmy.
Thanks, but no thanks doofus.