Due to the very large amount of water being released from the dam, Lake Powell has crested at 3661 feet – 80 feet higher than the picture on the cover of Gavin’s book.
Due to the very large amount of water being released from the dam, Lake Powell has crested at 3661 feet – 80 feet higher than the picture on the cover of Gavin’s book.
So, tell me again why they are releasing so much water instead of storing it for future use? Just asking since I’m not familiar with that area…
To fill up Lake Mead downstream
Oh, yeah…obviously! My bad for such a stupid question!
A living tribute to how difficult it is for anyone to foretell the future. But are the alarmists humbled? I imagine Gavin Schmidt must feel pretty ridiculous on a personal level. But the show must go on.
Alarmists just ignore such things and either move on to other icons or go back to moronic projections that won’t ever be verifiable in their lifetime.
This just provide more proof of what the GAV has been claiming all along. Nothing can disprove the AGW assumption. This is within the bounds of the combined results of the current output of the AOGCMs. 8) Flooding and drought can happen in the same region at the same time along with more snow and less snow during the same period. Higher stream flows or lower stream flows are expected at the same time in the same rivers.
It’s obvious that Gavin merely meant that climate change was going to make Lake Powell fill with water when the water levels rose. You see, circular reasoning & non-falsifiable hypotheses aren’t just good, they’re a requirement for the new normals of climate science.
these people never feel ridiculous.
Someone should teach Gavin how to photoshop . . .
With all the incessant media coverage of the drought in the southwest, it is easy to forget that in 1983 Lake Powell almost flooded:
The dam is doing it’s job; managing flood waters in the wet years and storing water for the dry years. So I imagine what the dam management is doing is leaving some head-room in Lake Powell as well as filling Lake Mead downstream.
Can we get a petition together to rename Lake Powell in Gavin’s honor? Schmidt Hole? Or if not the lake, maybe a tributary. Schmidt Creek?
Haha, nice.
You know, if Gavin started a law firm he could advertise his services with Schmidt on a shingle.
I note that work has started on a third outfall tunnel for Lake Mead. It’s at a lower level than the existing two, as it’s been assumed that the lake level could fall below them in the future, and presumably insufficient water in lake Powell to release to keep the level high enough.. Will it ever be used, I wonder?
if we have the winter that it looks like we might have, next year we could see levels not reached in a LONG time right? i mean, one or two more winters like we have been having, we could see Lake Powell at 100% right?
Never mind photoshop. It would be great if someone local could get to the same spot and get an image of how it is today. Well, perhaps not exactly the same spot unless you’re an underwater photographer. It would make for a great blink comparator demonstrating the robust, skillful predictive powers of one of the world’s greatest polymaths.
Planet of the Apes, Comparisons of 1968 to 2010 …
from 00:50 to 02:00 :: Lake Powell.
from 07:43 to 08:11 :: Glen Canyon.
from 08:11 to 10:30 :: Malibu.