The heat is unbearable in Texas, and millions of climate refugees are bee-lining it to Manitoba for the winter.
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The heat is unbearable in Texas, and millions of climate refugees are bee-lining it to Manitoba for the winter.
I have a feeling that this is one of your cherry picked anecdotes about something or other that happened decades ago and is supposed to disprove what methodical and comprehensive science has shown.
So please do us the favor, Steve, of showing us what the hades your title is about! Where’s the peer reviewed newspaper clipping you usually provide?
Or is the whole thing a pathetic, meaningless joke?
It’s tricky.
Ah, Winnipeg. Otherwise known as Winterpeg. They’re a hardy lot there. And I hear the mosquitoes are something else. At one time there was free land so people moved there. But I hadn’t heard of any stampede there so maybe Steve is just making it up!
“something or other that happened decades ago and is supposed to disprove what methodical and comprehensive science has shown.”
This is the idiot line you follow.
You can be convinced by the power of so-called authority that things that happened in the past are irrelevant, or were misreported, that people in the past not only couldn’t read a thermometer, but that the poor devils couldn’t even tell accurately when it was snowing or raining or a hurricane was bearing down on them.
So you are willing to accept the methodical and comprehensive re-writing of history
by those authorities if it supports a fiction that re-enforces your neurosis.
Good luck with that.
Oh and don’t get a “climate refugee” joke either.
Pitiful {Buddy Ebsen voice }
Wrong, wrong, wrong on all counts.
First, you confuse Facts with Truth. Truth is made up of facts but stringing facts together can result in a damn lie; simply by leaving other facts out or engaging in faulty deductive reasoning.
This is the pathetic line that you follow.
Anecdotes and cherry picked situations without any scientific discipline is worthless in any scientific endeavor. It is irrelevant that many of them are accurately reported from a journalistic point of view.
Any professional, from any major discipline, can tell you that. Fools can prove anything by throwing anecdotes at each other.
So go ahead and use that absurd anecdotal logic with medicine, chemistry or engineering. We’d be back to early 19th century technology with this unquantified slapdash kind of research.
“So you are willing to accept the methodical and comprehensive re-writing of history”
Mirror, mirror on the wall…
You are talking about tree rings………right?
Facts reveal the truth.
Every day we are bombarded with obvious hyperbolic propaganda.
“Hottest ever” “most in recorded history” “rising faster than ever” worse than we thought” etc.
But it isn’t. It is a big lie. Science corrupted by ideology.
Cold Fusion. Eugenics.
Rocks do not fall from the sky .
Continents do not move.
Not the first giant mistake made by science. Just one of the most egregiously and aggressively wrong. Falsified by its creators, and believed by humorless drones.
In the climate con-game you can use anecdotal evidence, but you have to pad it out with reems of scientific sounding jargon.
“. . . what methodical and comprehensive science has shown” I’d like to think there are still some branches of science that ARE methodical and comprehensive. But there is precious little of it in mainstream climate science. Least of all at IPCC, GISS, PIOMAS$.
How come only the enlightened AGW intellectuals never get the humor????
You’ve been reading my mind again……..
……..stop it!
I’m going with “because they are humorless drones” .
“I’m going with “because they are humorless drones””
Remember when every dumbcluck “conservative” was taking this seriously? Conservative website after website actually took this seriously and rationalized the obvious.
I also remember, on WUWT, Steve putting down the significance of the NW channel opening up by reminding us that the Titanic went through 1% concentration. He was serious!
A poster replied by saying something to the effect that the concentration had actually been 100% because:
The wind blew all the ice to the point where the ice chunks were getting shoved one on top of the other. Then they partially melted and refroze, thus creating “rotten icebergs”. The poster typed a smiley at the end of his comment as well as writing a PS requesting that smileys be programmed into the commentary box.
Steve’s response was to call the poster an idiot (or something like that) who had no business writing on the blog if he was so deficient in knowledge.
Well, at least I’m glad that Steve’s site does have smileys. 🙂 Next thing he should do is program himself with some humor; especially when the NW passage starts opening up. He has a habit of getting cranky around that time of year.
Note that Bill Ayers, the unrepentant former terrorist, is still talking about revolution at the beginning of the video. Too bad the bomb-loving Weatherman escaped prison on a technicality.
It’s obvious that he was talking here in response to some who had speculated that he had helped write his young pal’s book. It was after the fact. This was his jokey reaction to it, not the cause of the speculation.
Makes you wonder what an unrepentant former terrorist, I mean freedom fighter, and the US president have in common though. Maybe half-baked utopian socialism?
“I also remember, on WUWT, Steve putting down the significance of the NW channel opening up by reminding us that the Titanic went through 1% concentration. He was serious!”
News flash. Steve is right on all counts. That NW channel that you think is opening up
represents a Titanic style death trap for anything larger than a kyak and less sturdy than an icebreaker .
How many more days until school starts………………………….
This guy’s dynamite. I bet the Hockey Team didn’t realise they had this “secret weapon” on their side.
Jimash: “But it isn’t. It is a big lie. Science corrupted by ideology.”
You got oil propaganda sloshing inside your head.
I really don’t think so.
It is you my fine friend who are making politics out of this.
“oil Propagnda ” ? Seriously ?
I mean give it a break already.
You can’t see that weather has occurred forever, that the so-called former stable climate was never any such thing, that the numbers are constantly fudged, and that the true records reveal “nothing to see here”.
But my head os full of oil propaganda.
Next you’ll be on about the importance in the food chain of the Polar bears and how we can power an industrial information driven society on wind.
Incidentally, I notice you bring up Mr W. Ayers as some kind of weak joke.
Do you have any idea how destructive that man is ?
What a liar and abuser he is ?
How incredibly disgraceful it is that the president knows this man and shrugs off his history of plots and crimes against our country and his penchant for getting his friends killed or imprisoned, with a smile ?
You are on the deluded path of ending up a statistic .
And lets consider statistics.
How is it that the temperature rises so dangerously at the poles where no one lives and yet despite being told again and again how “record breaking” all the WEATHER is ,
the records of almost anyplace reveal a different story ? ( one of just weather)
Can you explain that ?
I take a nap and comeback to read about all the climate refugees moving from Texas to Canada during the hot Winters and I find that IWB has Hijacked the thread with its line of BS! Then I ran out of popcorn! Bummer man!!! 🙁
Okay… when you mention oil propoganda, you automatically lose… It’s the Godwin’s Law of climate change… LOL