My Irene Forecast

If Irene does a lot of damage, they will blame it on global warming. If she doesn’t they will say this is a sign of things to come – and will only get worse in the future.

The global warming religion is perverse and irrational. Everything that happens is a sign from the CO2 gods. There is no possible real or imagined event which will not be blamed on global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to My Irene Forecast

  1. Richard A says:

    In reality climate science is rather political science than practical science !

    • Independent says:

      Interestingly, Richard, many “climate scientists” think of themselves as “activists” or “save-the-world” types who are hungry to participate in the political decision-making process. This has always surprised and disappointed me since I believe scientists should be interested only in truth.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Like other so called environmental sciences their end results are more fantasy than science and they are firmly planted in the Cargo Cult, Pathological camps as members of the Chicken Little Brigade!

  2. Kaboom says:

    There’s only one thing that’s immune to the CO2 god: CO2 levels will not fall if CO2 levels rise.

  3. Latitude says:

    my forecast….
    This will be the most over hyped squall line in history

    Tell me prejudice doesn’t color their forecasts…………………

  4. huishi says:

    I claim that CO2 is the main cause of restless leg syndrome.

  5. Twodogs says:

    They’re making a big deal apparently out of Irene being the size of 1/3 of the US east coast. Big deal. Cyclone Yasi dwarfed Queensland which is about triple the size of Alaska and the storm covered an area equal to most of USA, with barely any mention of global warming because cyclones are annual events in Australia.

    I predict the doomsday predictions of Irene will fizzle the same way as Irene, raining on their parade with torrential rain on the east coast and little else. A storm in a teacup!

    • Latitude says:

      TD, hurricane force winds are only out about 100-120 miles, that’s normal, and that’s Irene…
      …the rest of it is clouds

      They have hyped this so much, they will have to save face….
      ……you watch, it will be the biggest worst in history

      Can’t predict squat…………………..prediction was a Cat 4 now, not downgrade to a Cat 2

  6. papertiger says:

    The one thing they didn’t predict is Irene taking an east turn out to sea.
    That’s the worst thing that could happen as far as CNN, Weather Channel, Andrew Revkin, and the authors of climate models are concerned.

    I pray we have a big embarassing miss, and Irene heads for the Azores.

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