NASAThinks A 0.0001 Increase In Atmospheric CO2 Mole Fraction Will Tip Off Aliens

Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

They must have wiped out the dinosaurs for allowing CO2 to be 10X higher than at present. What are these imbeciles smoking at NASA?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to NASAThinks A 0.0001 Increase In Atmospheric CO2 Mole Fraction Will Tip Off Aliens

  1. Anything is possible says:

    If alien environmentalists out there are going to wipe us out, it will be for polluting space with the airwaves from daytime TV………..

  2. Dave N says:

    What is most unbelievable is that some papers are still following that story. Check out Simon’s calculations:

    • GregO says:


      Thanks for that link – seems reasonable to me. Man, I sure don’t get the UFO, alien thing – never did – all due respect to Sci Fi Fans. That interstellar space travel thing just isn’t going to happen and it doesn’t need to. We are fine right here dealing with our own problems no need for alien intervention. Why do people find a need to believe in this stuff? Why do publicly funded pseudo intellectual scientist-impersonators concern themselves with such a pointless exercise, and exercise that defies even the most elementary logic and science?

  3. GregW says:

    Just as I’ve always suspected they are monitoring our gases for as the report says “atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets.” As I told a NASA scientist the other day, “They’re hiding in Uranus.” He didn’t confirm it but he didn’t deny it either.
    He did say that the report is deadly accurate in its warning that “aliens may arrive to eat, enslave or attack us”, but who doesn’t know that?

  4. Michael says:

    NASA worst space litterer ever.
    At the table of the Interstellar Control Agency.
    What’s $1000*1000000000=?????? . Stuff it blow the source of rubbish up.

  5. Me says:

    Do anyone else find it strange, that this Bull Shit story came out after this show, Curiosity: Alien Invasion: Are We Ready?
    I guess they love to spin good doom and gloom Sci-Fi stories, you know the ones on History, Discovery and National Geographic networks.

  6. Gator says:

    “What are these imbeciles smoking at NASA?”

    Actually it is the imbeciles at Penn State who came up with this nonsense. Only a peer of Michael Mann could put together such nonsense and label it as ‘science’.

  7. Blade says:

    No doubt they skipped the scenario where CO2 is poison to aliens.

    ::: WARNING ::: SPOILER ALERT! :::

  8. S. L. Goddard says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how we find so many refusing to question the validity of anything NASA, or any other Government funded source says about anything remotely related to science, but yet, they keep giving us so many reasons to scratch our heads and ask, “What are they smoking…”?

    Aliens, if they existed, and if they were advanced enough for intersteller travel, would most likely avoid us the same way we avoid the individual we see on an inner city streetcorner wearing an tin foil hat and screaming about the comming alien enviromentalist attack, or warning us how “they” can read our brains!

    C’mon kids, don’t stare! Let’s just cross the street here, AND DON’T LOOK AT HIM!

  9. Phil Nizialek says:

    OK guys, i like trashing NASA lately as much as the next denier, but this turns out not to be a NASA sponsored or sanctioned report. See the above link form Benny Peiser’s site.

    That being said, the report is interesting in that it DOES give us insight into the thinking of Progessives who are “scientists.” As many of you have pointed out, the paper reads like an outline for a Hollywood movie script. Hollywood has been imputing progressive views on aliens since at least “The Day the Earth Stood Still” in the 50s. Progressives are so full of themselves that they really believe that advanced alien civilazatons would get that way by implementing progressive policies. More importantly, they would seek to force us to accept those policies through force if necessary, lest we fail to recognize their superior power. Their threats make clear that we will be destroyed if we don’t do what they, the obviously enlightened, say. Where have we seen that meme before?

    • glacierman says:

      The government agencies are infested with people who think this way. That says a lot.

      Oh, and Real Climate is not officially sponsored by NASA either. You never know what is officially sponsored or endorsed any more as they have become very proficient at public relations along with plausible deniability to their official positions.

  10. Paul H says:

    Tony seems to be still waiting for his instructions from Head Office on how to deflect attention from this story.

    Tripoli Duncan?

  11. NoMoreGore says:

    I think the Aliens planned to let us live until the Rebecca Black video. That was the final straw.

  12. Justa Joe says:

    This is the next stage in the nexus of ufology and anthropogenic climate change “science”. We were first treated to the tour de force epic of climatalogical prophecy “The Day After Tomorrow” created by noted progressives and UFO nuts Whitley Streiber & Art Bell. Now cometh this scientific masterwork of scientific scholarship given to us by Penn State the very home of climate “guru” Mikey Mann and also with the implicit imprimatur of Jimmie “Death Trains” Hansen’s very own NASA. The resident alarmo-trolls should give it their ‘highest’ endorcement for the studies indisputable plausibility.

    This study should give the UFO Hunters at least an episode worth of material now that ‘NASA’ has “confirmed” the existence of extra-terrestrials.

  13. Eyesandearsopen says:

    Steve, this is a comment that I posted on WUWT. I thought it was funny at the time and still do. By the way, I appreciate your presentations on this blog. So here it is.

    I have been in contact with the Aliens through the use of ACID (Alien Contact Interstellar Dialog). They sent one of their Ambassadors (ronaldmcdonald), a rather funny looking chap who reminded me of a clown, who explained that the Alien society was not going to destroy Planet. They were going to harvest some of the humans to eat. They were going to pick only the biggest, plump, juicy ones; much like we pick the big fat plump cherry for a treat. You see, they are actually an advanced plant society (triffids) and their relatives are evolving on Planet. The Aliens are angry that we have been eating their brethren but need us to increase CO2 levels to 666 ppm so that they can complete their evolution.

    POT (Propaganda Overruling Thinking) will rise as the benchmark for the intellectual organizational structure of this newly evolved species that will then become the prime contact with ACID, which will then regulate the harvest of humans. The EPA (Extraterrestrial Propaganda Agency) will be the duel interface with ACID that will regulate all CO2 levels so as the plants on Planet are hindered in growth so that they do not become a threat to the Extraterrestrial plants. The EPA will serve the duel purpose of keeping the plants at bay while providing a stable supply of plump, ripe humans for a sustainable environment.

    Another organization, the IPCC (Interstellar Propaganda Colony Control), through frequent contact with ACID, will serve as the prime driver of policy to control humans by showing that the plants are doing the humans a favor by eating them, as it keeps their population under control. A Goreacle will be installed to help the IPCC control the masses.

    There will be a major effort to eliminate the army of ones, the WUWT (World Understanding Weather Traits), as any independent thinking will have a detrimental effect on the combined efforts and effects of the EPA, ACID, POT, IPCC, and the Goreacle. This underground army is believed to be led by Anthony Watts, but due to the independent nature of its members there could be hundreds of thousands of cells.

    I will now meet with a representative of BEER ( … ).

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