Fact Sheet: Bipartisan Debt Deal: A Win for the Economy and Budget Discipline
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Bipartisan!! So, both the fox and the weasel can guard the hen-house. Very nice. Now every simpleton that believed all of the blathering BS about default, credit ratings and social security checks can rest easy. The manufactured crisis was averted, in a team effort! By the team that manufactured the crisis.
Only a complete imbecile can possibly feel good about us raising the debt ceiling by about couple of trillion more dollars!!! Well……., China probably likes it. But no one, with the interests of the U.S. first can reasonably argue that this is a positive move for the U.S.
I don’t see much of a difference in Democrats and Republicans. They are going down the same road. They both want big debt. They just have a different emphasis on where they want to spend it.
Pray God there will be more Allen Wests, Marco Rubios, Rand Pauls, and Michele Bachmans elected in November 2012. We can save this country that is on fire with self destruction.
Actually, China is not so much on board with it either. They have slowed tremendously in buying our bonds, and in fact have begun selling. QE3 is around the corning so we will simply water down the value of the dollar that much more. Once inflation really begins to kick in, we are toast. You think Greece was bad? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet … it will be reminiscent of the Weimar Republic
Jim Rogers: “The dollar is going to disappear……no, no, mark my words. In the next 20 years…”
“The Federal Reserve will not contract its balance sheet anytime soon. The dollar will collapse if we get a third round of quantitative easing, but this is not something that concerns the Fed in the slightest….. With the level of debt to GDP, there is nothing that can be done, it is inevitable the US will be downgraded……. The US is behaving like an old school emerging market. In the next five years, 70% of its debt is maturing. But a small rise in inflation will cause it to spiral out of control……”
Michele Bachmann likens Washington’s actions to Greece. And I think she’s right. The effect down the road from all of this debt will be the cutting of entitlements. And at that point, when those on entitlements don’t get their free money in the mail, they will go into the streets, flip over cars, smash out store front windows, and burn their downtowns, just like what we saw in Greece.
If we are not careful, Greece will look like a Sunday afternoon picnic by comparison.
Frighteningly you are right
Budget Discipline????
This is the height of irresponsibility!!!
The ONLY way to stop this, is to stop giving them money!!!
We will spend 7-22 billion less in 2012 and 3-36 billion less in 2013. This is out of about 3800 billion we intend to spend, with Repubs congratulating themselves. Only Monty Python could have written such a script.