Obama Flees “historic hurricane”

President Obama will cut short his Martha’s Vineyard vacation Friday night in order to get back to Washington before Hurricane Irene marches up the East Coast.

The historic East Coast earthquake didn’t move him much. But what he called a potentially “historic hurricane” finally did the trick.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Flees “historic hurricane”

  1. suyts says:

    The links are expected to be drier in Virginia.

  2. DirkH says:

    The earthquake didn’t get him. He flees from Irene. Wherever he goes now, i expect a rain of frogs there.

  3. Squidly says:

    haahaha … yeah, “historic” … at 100Mph? .. are you kidding? .. back up in Fargo, ND, they get straight-line winds that strong, and micro-bursts much stronger. I guess when one makes up their own history, anything can be “historic” …hahaha

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