Party Like It’s 1892?

The New York Times wants to stabilize the climate, like the good old days.

To allow the climate to stabilize requires humanity to cut its use of coal and oil by 70 percent.

Maybe we could work together and make the climate stable at low CO2 – like it was 1892?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Party Like It’s 1892?

  1. Latitude says:

    if it happened more than 30 year ago……… didn’t happen

  2. Mike Davis says:

    I lack a time machine to transport them to the time period they want to live in. 🙁
    Next best thing would be to send them to Antarctica to live off the land with what they came into this world with. With the training they have gotten from out society they should find a way to live in harmony with nature in a sustainable way.

    For about 5 seconds!

  3. Sundance says:

    Ross says, “Where I live, in Boston, I am afraid that the coming winter will – like last winter – be unusually short and devastatingly severe. In early 2005, a storm knocked out power to thousands and dropped a record-setting 42.2 inches of snow on Boston.”

    So I guess if we send more money to the UN and institute a carbon tax we can stop these short Boston winters, and return to the LONG and devastatingly severe Boston winters of yore. Why with heating oil tripled due to carbon taxes, and with longer winters, Ross and fellow Bostonians may be so darn thrilled they might experience an eco-orgasm.

  4. Ivan says:

    ..or party like it’s 1850 even:
    TERRIFIC STORMS.—The American papers are filled with disastrous accounts of a storm that had visited extensive districts of the Union. In eastern Pennsylvania, particularly, its visitation was most severe, and it is impossible to tell as yet what is the extent of the damage. The Schuylkill and Delaware rivers have risen to an unprecedented height, and the lower portions of Philadelphia have been submerged, while loss of life and a general destruction of property have followed in its wake. From the damage sustained by the railroads through which it has swept, and the general detention and disarrangement of the mails, we are at a loss to know what the end may be. In New Jersey it was equally severe. On the upper lakes, too, several storms have occurred, the last of which on the 30th ult., was very severe, so much so, indeed, that navigation was wholly impossible. A letter from Philadephia says—” The damage along the Schuylkill River alone exceeds 1,000,000 dollars, and at least 50 lives were lost by its sudden flood. Railroads are stopped in every direction, owing to the destruction of bridges, and, calculating from Maine to Georgia, it is estimated that the damage by freshets will not be less than 3,000,000 dollars.”—Bell’s Messenger, Sept. 23.”
    ~18 Jan 1851

  5. Ivan says:

    …or 1854:
    Destruction of Buildings, Bridges, Railroads, &c.
    Notwithstanding the large amount of space we have already alloted to accounts of disasters by the late storm, we are still in the hourly receipt of additional intelligence.”
    ~3 May 1854

  6. Blade says:

    “To allow the climate to stabilize requires humanity to cut its use of coal and oil by 70 percent.”

    There is an easy way to get almost halfway there …

    In the USA the Liberals number from 25% to 30% of the population. I suspect from what I hear that in Europe they are twice that percentage. Numerically it is many millions of people, perhaps even 50% of all people everywhere.

    Such numbers mean one simple thing, they *have* the power to change the world in a very simple way without affecting us normal people: all they need to do is voluntarily go Amish and it’s done! If half the population of the planet, the malcontents, simply went Amish and completely swore off technology *plus* all their well-publicized pet peeves like meat, tobacco, oil, coal, nuke, war, etc., a huge change would be effected. Note that this change would be far larger than any change that they could ever achieve involuntarily through legislation and coercion.

    Begin holding breath … now.

    • Mike Davis says:

      The liberals are responsible for double their share of consumables. The Chicken Little brigade seen to live in the largest homes and spend a great deal of time flying in private planes.
      I think an Amish life style is much to modern for them!
      If the “Progressive Liberals” did their part the globe would exceed the goal of 70% reduction and we would not need to build new power generation facilities for many years.

      • Blade says:

        Now how can we get them to do this?

        One way would be for all of us to aggressively confront each liberal on a one-to-one basis. Get in their face and ask: ‘So mister green liberal eco-nut, why haven’t you sworn off technology and gone Amish? What’s stopping you, hypocrite? Liberals don’t like when they are confronted or when their religion is called out. It works because they are busybody p*ssies at heart.

        At the very least it might get a few of them to shut their traps and get off our backs.

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