Perry : Hung Out To Dry

Rick Perry made some bold and largely correct comments about the global warming scam this week, but it seems that his staff has provided him no facts to back them up. He is going to get beaten to a pulp –  unless his staff gets on the ball immediately.

Despite Rick Perry, consensus on climate change keeps strengthening

Over the past few days, fact-checkers have been kept busy debunking this statement from Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), on why he doesn’t believe that humans are heating the planet: “I think we’re seeing it almost weekly or even daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change.”

It’s not a tricky argument to dismiss. In 2010, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a survey of 1,372 climate researchers, finding that 97 to 98 percent of those publishing in the field said they believe humans are causing global warming. That’s the same majority that existed in a similar 2009 survey. Dissenters do exist, the PNAS study found, but “the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced … are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.” Either way, the ranks of dissenters don’t appear to be swelling. (When contacted by the Washington Post, the Perry campaign responded with links to news stories that, reporter Glenn Kessler concluded, were “anecdotal in nature.”)

Still, it’s worth adding one overlooked point to all this fact-checking. It’s not just that Perry’s wrong. In many ways, the field of climate science is moving in precisely the opposite direction that he’s suggesting. Recall that back in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change put out a report synthesizing the scientific work on global warming. While the report sounded quite certain on a number of topics—noting, for one, that it was “very likely” that most of the observed temperature increases since mid-century were due to man-made greenhouse gases—there were still plenty of vague spots in the report, especially with regards to sea-level rise.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Perry : Hung Out To Dry

  1. Mike Davis says:

    He definitely needs help because they use the created fantasies to counter the truth. It suits the agenda of the MSM to promote the fantasy. Terror and fear sells.
    Look at Brian and what he said on the other post! Once fear controls the thoughts of your opponent you have won the battle. That is why a propaganda minister is important to any bureaucracy! We have propaganda down to a science in the western world!

  2. gofer says:

    Did they really say humans are “causing” global warming??? The only questions I’ve seen states they have “contributed” to warming, besides where are the statements by these scientists that say it’s going to be catastrophic??

  3. chris y says:

    I think the article referred to was co-authored by Schneider. It was a stinking pile of crap.

  4. Latitude says:

    doesn’t matter……everyone is long over politicians being smart
    As long as they are headed in the right direction…..

  5. suyts says:

    Are they kidding? That is a total misrepresentation of the study and intentionally so! There isn’t, nor was there ever 1300 climate scientists agreeing upon the causation of warming.

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The Washington Post is advocating for global warming and left wing politics. Everyone knows most of the media is still controlled by people with a left wing political paradigm. Newspaper circulation is continues falling for a reason. People look to the internet to find the truth.

    Too bad Al Gore invented the internet. ;^)

  7. Rod says:

    As long as Perry sticks to his guns, he won’t lose my vote over this. Bush caved on it in his second term, enabling the money to really start flowing….

    Any Republican candidate who sticks with the global warming crowd is going to have a tough time getting the nomination. So far, that’s Romney and Huntsman…

  8. DEEBEE says:

    If he is a good politician, he will not re-emphasize his words. It is a losing trade for him. Much as all of us here might want him to do that.

  9. Russell C says:

    Doing my bit, including notifying him via his web form about a hit piece yesterday that was basically nothing more than 15-year old anti-skeptic talking points:

  10. greg2213 says:

    I’ll see the 77 or so scientists who agreed with that poll’s questions and raise you the 31k+ who say otherwise.

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