Polar Bear Mauls Climate Change Students

A BRIT has been mauled to death by a polar bear in Norway.

The victim was part of a group of around 80 on a British Schools Exploring Society trip.

Four others were seriously injured when the beast attacked early this morning as they camped on a remote glacier in the Arctic circle.

The BSES sends youths to Svalbard to investigate evidence of climate change.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Polar Bear Mauls Climate Change Students

  1. R. de Haan says:

    I’m sure they find a way spin this incident to their advantage but I think they should send much more AGW believers to Svalgard (and more bears).
    Sorry to hear they shot this polar bear.

    • mwhite says:

      The spin


      “Dwindling sea ice in recent years has led to polar bears, which usually hunt seals, looking inland for food, including the eggs of barnacle geese on the island.”

      • Al Gored says:

        Hmmm. I think they look for nesting birds and whatever on land at this time of year ALL the time – though I’m not too familiar with this population.

        In the North American Arctic this trend is aided by the incredible population explosion of snow geese. All those eggs and young. What’s a bear to do but eat them?

        That hyperabundant snow goose population is having major destruction impacts on the tundra where they nest, which takes a long time to recover. Now in many jurisdictions on their migration routes there is no hunter bag limit on snow geese and, just the opposite, hunters are encouraged to shoot as many as they can. But there are not enough hunters anymore and these birds are smart enough to stick to the sanctuaries where they winter further south where there are more hunters – but still not enough.

        Like virtually ALL stories of conservation success gone too far, the Eco-Chicken Littles never want to talk about this snow goose situation,

      • Blade says:

        The spin unspun …

        ‘Dwindling sea ice in recent years has led to human beings, which usually stay indoors, looking for signs of climate change on inhospitable and dangerous glaciers.’


  2. PearlandAggie says:

    Snack size???? 😉

  3. PearlandAggie says:

    So, since they shot this bear, would it be fair to say that climate change zealots are more of a threat to polar bears that global warming???

  4. AndyW says:

    Obviously due to lack of ice the polar bears are paid walrus blubber by the British government to save public spending on school pupils. Very crafty!

  5. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    This is being at one with nature and hugging a cuddly polar bear all at the same time!

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Another casualty for the AGW alarmists’ growing list of human suffering. Poor kid is a victim of the monster created by McKibben, Mann, Gore et al. This is a good example for the people that knowingly lie about the AGW threat as a means of coercing people to “do the right thing” for the environment. This is the collateral damage.

  7. Gator says:

    I hear the bear was a right wing anti-islam zealot who denied AGW.

  8. DERise says:

    And there are exhibits where people can get right down in the water with the bears, behind stout plexiglass of course. Polar bears are treated as cute, cuddly, good natured, coke drinking, and above all icons of the green movement. They are the only preditor that activly hunts man on a regular basis, their numbers are increasing, and stupid people offer themselves up as a snack.

  9. Martin says:

    From the BBC news:

    A blog on the group’s website dated 27 July described polar bear sightings from their camp where they had been marooned due to “an unprecedented amount of ice in the fjord”.

    From the analysis by Matt Walker (Editor BBC Nature) alongside the article:

    As climate change reduces ice cover, there are concerns that more polar bears will become displaced and will move further inland to seek food, bringing them into contact with more people.

    • Al Gored says:

      Typically braindead comment from the BBC. They apparently know nothing about polar bear ecology or where people live in the Arctic. Do most people live “inland” up there?

      The only trend is the increasing number of ‘eco-tourists’ (like these Brits) in polar bear habitat.

  10. Anything is possible says:

    Where does this leave the WWF’s “Adopt a cuddly Polar Bear” campaign?

    • Al Gored says:

      Now they can use the opposite trick, which is their real trick. Send your adopted polar bear some money or he/she will kill somebody!!!

      They’re making us an offer we can’t refuse.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      MORE! MORE! Every member of WWF needs to find a Polar Bear to hug ASAP! The poor creatures are getting lonely and need a big hug before winter sets in!

  11. Sparks says:

    Calm down guys a young boy lost his life in this attack!

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