Rifle Fires Reliably After Being Buried In The Mud For 18 Years


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Rifle Fires Reliably After Being Buried In The Mud For 18 Years

  1. Blade says:

    Everyone knows AK’s and SKS’s are tough cookies. But no way in hell those original 7.62 commie rounds could have made it in the mud for months never mind years or decades. They oiled up the AK and popped in a clip of new rounds for sure.

    The disclaimer after the video had me ROTFL!

  2. Of course, assuming decent ammo, a break-barrel shotgun would fire pretty reliably too. A couple of 12ga slugs would do a pretty dandy job on el Oso blanco, too.

  3. gator69 says:

    It is shocking to see what happens to countries who do not love their guns as we do.

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