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It was political suicide and is even more so now, to say it. But Powell was right. And I say this is an ex-colonial who returned “home.”
The rioting is being carried out by blacks. whites and others. Rather than being racist why not be sexist ( it is mainly men) or ageist (mainly young) because at least you would be far more accurate.
I think we should deport all young men from the UK because then this wouldn’t happen.
Well that proves it. Immigration had no effect on destroying the society
A failed experiment in multiculturalism. Australia is going the same way. No more Lord’s prayer, Christmas or Easter in the schools. Banned because of the weak gutless liberals in our society.
The Japanese would never let it happen to their society and nobody ever criticizes them.
From afar, it looks like another highlight of Scotland Yard’s year after Murdoch and the Jeff Id story…
It rather shows that despite all the media and political hand wringing at the time, perhaps a bit of phone hacking was a rather minor event. Certainly the Met looks rather rudderless at the moment with no proper leadership.
Liberals are self loathing, suicidal, and demented. I maintain that the Climate cult, and the growing body of Socialists in America are exactly the same phenomenon as “The People’s Temple”, “Heaven’s Gate”, “Branch Dividians” , or the Warren Jeff’s “FLDS”. A portion of humanity will always seek to become communal self flaggelants, and gather about a cauldron of Koolaid.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in an America that still had a national identity, and also fortunate enough to live in Europe before it fell to multiculturalism and leftist idiocy. Maybe our grandchildren will enjoy a golden age of reason.
Considering it is mainly young men doing this I wonder if the police forces of the UK have considered swapping their German Shepherd dogs for Polar bears?
That would stop it double quick time.
stevengoddard says:
August 9, 2011 at 4:59 pm
Well that proves it. Immigration had no effect on destroying the society
Considering the country you live in Steve and considering your whole country is based on immigration I would say no, unless you class being the worlds only super power as being a bad recommendation for immigration.
Immigration is the first necessary part of building a great nation! Assimilation being the second.
The vast majority of violent crime around these parts is from minority gangs.
I lived in England around the time Powell made that speech, and things were very different then. The English had a great deal of pride, which is clearly lacking now – based on your posts.
Well I got burgled a couple of years ago and considering I live in Sevenoaks Kent it was unlikely to be someone black and much more likely to be someone who wanted to make money without having to work for it.
I think it is more down to age rather than colour. A lot of people now don’t have the experience of a war and rationing as an influence on the parents to show their kids the right way. I heard two white girls talk today on an interview how it was ok because it showed the police and rich people they could do what they want ( they were interviewed at breakfast time drinking sparkling wine they had looted.
That’s not a race thing, that is a YOU HAVE AND I DONT HAVE thing. It’s all down to excitement and greed and the only linking thing is not race but age and upbringing.
It is losing the culture and pride through dilution. It is tough finding anyone in London who speaks English as their first language.
Steven – you say that as if it were a bad thing? to me the rioters sound too much British in fact. Girls looting to show police they can do things aren’t too different from Plane Stupid people blocking Stansted airport
The culture of England has been destroyed. It wasn’t like that in 1968, other than the skinheads. People had a great deal of pride in their country.
Anthony Burgess wrote “A Clockwork Orange” in 1962 in reaction to the violence he saw around him. Violence and looting has always been with us when society gets polarised and an underclass is marginalised – quite irrespective of race or immigration.
I see, so the massive increase in population due to immigration had nothing to do with what you describe.
Charles Murray wrote at least two pieces in the Sunday Times some years ago about the development of the British underclass and the inevitable social chaos that would result.
40 years of failing schools, one parent families, ‘nanny’ state rights without responsibility, liberalisation of the judiciary, multiculturalism better labelled separatism, police becoming divorced from the people, politicians even more etc., etc.
A major rethink is urgently needed but I won’t hold my breath.