Stabilize The Climate – Like 12th And 13th Centuries

Joe Romm gets hysterical over six month droughts. How would he fare through a 660 month drought?

Why would the Anasazi leave — potentially for good — pueblos it had taken them decades to construct? Scientists have found one possible answer by looking at tree rings (a study called dendrochronology) in the Sand Canyon area. In the period between A.D. 1125 and 1180, very little rain fell in the region. After 1180, rainfall briefly returned to normal. From 1270 to 1274 there was another long drought, followed by another period of normal rainfall. In 1275, yet another drought began. This one lasted 14 years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Stabilize The Climate – Like 12th And 13th Centuries

  1. Sundance says:

    If my memory serves me correctly the Netherlands had built a fully connected sea wall in the 12th century. But that was back when sea level rise wasn’t unprecedented even though they had to build a sea wall.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Some of the “Droughts” are normal conditions for the region and the recent precipitation they base their annual average are in fact the abnormal conditions for the region.
    The way they are going about researching “Climate” they will never figure it out!

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