Stop Irene!

Our top scientists tell us that politicians control the weather – and their actions are ubiquitous. A good test would be for them to stop Irene through legislation or a resolution.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Stop Irene!

  1. Kaboom says:

    The Celts sometimes sacrificed a king for such an occasion. Just sayin’

  2. PearlandAggie says:

    OT, but very important: CLOUD experiment confirms Svensmark’s theory.

  3. Gator says:

    “The simplest explanation tends to be the correct one…”

    This is why I rejected AGW from the beginning. I had already spent eight years in the Earth Sciences department by the time Hansen sweat on cue for congress.


  4. The law of gravity is also the cause of many preventable deaths and injuries. I vote for its revocation.

    Moreover, pi has a needlessly inconvenient and unjustified value, but that has been tried before.

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