Storm Passes Baltimore With Devastating 8 MPH Winds

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Storm Passes Baltimore With Devastating 8 MPH Winds

  1. Opps, that decimal point is in the wrong place. hehe

    • You got me. I hacked every single one of the hundreds of Weather Underground anemometers and got every single one of them to report below hurricane wind speeds for the entire day.

      You folks are completely nuts.

      • Travis says:

        Right. 2 things:

        1) As of right now, 2:41am ET, the storm center is still 115 miles SE of Baltimore. I don’t think we’ll be expecting hurricane-force winds anywhere near Baltimore this trip. NOAA doesn’t think so either, since they recently reported that the bulk of the hurricane-force winds are out to sea on the east side of the hurricane, where you typically see the strongest winds in a northward-traveling Atlantic hurricane. Or maybe they’re using atmospheric physics as a cover for their conspiracy….

        2) 8 mph may have been the reported wind speed at the time. Weather Underground’s data shows wind speeds there hovering in the mid-to-upper 20s for most of the past 16 hours. Way to pick a convenient moment with the 8 mph screen shot.

        But I know nothing anyone can say will convince you of anything but their own insanity and/or your own victimhood, so I’ll call it a night. Have fun with posting and sparring.

      • Steven Cullison says:

        You, Sir, are a hysterical idiot. A head-in-the-sand Moron looking for tiny fragments of data to support a lie, which if you had active brain cells, should compel you would realize is ludicrus. (Do you understand that word?)

    • Ummm, John B., do you know what you are doing? Why did you link to a Max Wind Gust table? And beyond that, the highest gust on the table was 73. Two readings were tied at a low of 36. What are you trying to accomplish? Or maybe you linked to that as a joke.

      But if you didn’t do it as a joke then you don’t know what you are doing.

    • Sundance says:

      @ John B even your data shows that this isn’t even a hurricane. Why is it still being called a hurricane?

      • rpo says:

        John’s data is not from an area the hurricane has even hit, so why would you take that data and construe it to mean a storm hundreds of miles away is not a hurricane?

      • Sundance says:

        @rpo – are you blind? Virginia is listed.


        3 ENE DAHLGREN 67 959 PM 8/27 BUOY
        2 SE DAHLGREN 53 1100 PM 8/27 BUOY

        1 WNW SMITH ISLAND 45 453 PM 8/27 BUOY

        1 S REAGAN NATIONAL 60 125 AM 8/28 ASOS

        2 NE JEFFERSON MANOR 47 1245 AM 8/28 MESONET

        3 SW MANASSAS 37 915 PM 8/27 AWOS

        RESTON 55 215 AM 8/28 MESONET
        2 E LORTON 50 159 AM 8/28 MESONET
        1 W ANNANDALE 41 1250 AM 8/28 MESONET
        1 ESE NEWINGTON 40 1243 AM 8/28 AWOS
        1 NNE BAILEYS CROSSR 39 1259 AM 8/28 MESONET

        1 SE MIDLAND 36 755 PM 8/27 AWOS

        1 WNW KING GEORGE 46 1139 PM 8/27 MESONET

        1 SE ASHBURN 39 1254 AM 8/28 MESONET
        1 E ASHBURN 38 1254 AM 8/28 MESONET


        4 NW WINTERGREEN 51 324 AM 8/28 MESONET

        1 SW QUANTICO 60 656 PM 8/27 AWOS
        2 S WOODBRIDGE 40 1243 AM 8/28 MESONET
        2 WSW WOODBRIDGE 40 1209 AM 8/28 MESONET

        1 SE COOKSTOWN 48 530 PM 8/27 MESONET
        3 SE FREDERICKSBURG 45 535 PM 8/27 AWOS

        2 SSE RAMOTH 38 535 PM 8/27 AWOS

      • Sundance says:

        @ rpo

        Maryland is listed too. What hurricane are you looking at?

    • Mike Davis says:

      What is being recorded in locations where the storm has passed is just a normal storm in these parts! At some locations what they reported would not even qualify as a storm just a bit of rain!

  2. Sundance says:

    These poor reporters. The wind isn’t blowing much, their hats are staying on just fine, and there just isn’t any disaster to report on so they’re showing fallen trees and walking through 6 inch puddles to fill air time.

  3. Sundance says:

    The ABC weather guy is calling it a TS too with winds at 39 MPH.

  4. joseph says:

    OK, Would someone please explain why the ground stations report one thing (weather underground and while NOAA keeps reporting another?

    Right now at 5:30 am eastern time, I see wind alert with a top speed of 49 mph and NOAA says 75 mph sustained max speed. WHY is there so much difference?

  5. Ace says:

    Central Park, 6 am
    14 MPH winds

    Perfect weather for looters.

  6. joseph says:

    Some people on another thread were talking about the ground stations being too low (hell, they are at ground level, right?) to “count” in measuring wind speed. The official definition requires the measurement be taken at 33 feet off the ground. Do they really fly jet planes that low in a storm? How can you measure wind speed if the jet is flying fast? Does the speed of the jet not make a difference?

    This storm has made it all confusing. I used to just believe whatever NOAA said.

    • Ace says:

      Joseph, I have a job that requires me to be up to date on weather, and let me tell you, the NOAA doesn’t know what will be happening in 4 hours.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They extrapolate the information using their secret recipe with a touch of secret sauce!
      They seem to be making wild A$$ guesses! Maybe even pulling numbers out of a hat! Or osme other anatomical location!

      • joseph says:

        I hope you are just joking because if you are serious that calls into question all historical data.

        I was hit by Hurricane Dona and by Hurricane Charlie among others; and I had no way to measure the wind speeds myself so I just believed the NOAA bulletins. Were they right or just making stuff up?

  7. Mike Davis says:

    I am not Joking! Yes it does call into question all the historic data from NOAA!
    The severity of a storm is determined by the damage it leaves behind and not the hype leading up to the event.

  8. Brian Ragle says:

    The storm, as it passed Virginia and DC was indeed a low Cat 1 hurricane. Prior, it reached a strength of Category 2. This was indeed a hurricane and the claims made here, boosted by the hysterical ravings of Matt Drudge, are either indicative of some kind of perverse denialism or a great example of Poe’s Law in action. Either way, kudos for portraying the denialists as utter lunatics.

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