After waiting for Cryosat2 and a successor to PIPS2 for years, sea ice experts seem to have chosen to ignore the new data, and instead cling to their PIOMAS model and Hansen’s claims about record temperatures. The core of Arctic Basin ice is clearly recovering in thickness, age and extent.
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This is worthy of a reposting…
“The present paper uses the monthly SIC data from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP
SSM/I passive microwave data to show that Antarctic SIE has an increased trend in the
past 30 years (1979-2009). The increased trend is about 1.36 ± 0.43% per decade. The
rate of Antarctic SIE positive trend has been accelerating in the past decade.”
Weather patterns on and around Antarctica lead the rest of the globe due the the greater ocean area in the southern hemisphere. Antarctica also proves that “Global” Warming does not exist.