The World Is Warming, Well Actually It Is Cooling Because Of Aerosols, But If It Weren’t Cooling It would Be Warming

Mitt Romney, arguably the leading Republican candidate for president of the United States in the 2012 election, recently significantly diminished his prospects for obtaining the support he needs from the right wing of his party. How did he do this? He simply declared that he believes the Earth is warming, and that human activities are responsible. To most scientists, such a statement would be considered fairly innocuous, and an accurate assessment of current understanding. But to a large fraction of the US Republican party, this is a completely unacceptable position – ranking alongside gay marriage, gun control and abortion rights. Anthropogenic climate change has become a litmus test for Republicans in the United States.

I wonder if the Guardian actually surveyed “most scientists.” Even most hardcore warmists admit now that the Earth is not warming, and they are scrambling to make exceptionally stupid explanations as to why.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The World Is Warming, Well Actually It Is Cooling Because Of Aerosols, But If It Weren’t Cooling It would Be Warming

  1. gator69 says:

    Just as with gun restrictions, we can show with scientific evidence that the left is incorrect on AGW. Why is that so hard for journalists to understand? I know they can read.

  2. Wayne Ward (truthsword) says:

    Because they are pure evil or have no rational thought capability, I haven’t decided which or if it’s both.

  3. To most scientists, such a statement would be considered fairly innocuous, and an accurate assessment of current understanding.

    Well, not as such, no. Most scientists would probably say, “It seems reasonable that the Earth could be warming and there’s a pretty good chance that the human influence isn’t entirely undetectable.” The state of science is such that any definite statements are rather quickly and harshly punished. Couch everything in hazy maybes and you’ll keep your job.

  4. greg2213 says:

    One the one hand, we have the almost 80 scientists (considered to be 97% of all scientists) agreeing with the “science and on the other hand we have the 31,000+ ( who say, “well, no.”

    The reason, of course, that Republicans (Conservatives) tend to think CAGW is crap is simple. We look at who is supporting it, notice the command and control agenda or that group, as well as their 100% rate of being wrong on all other issues, and conclude that CAGW is just more of the same garbage. It’s a very reasonable assumption. That the science very strongly supports that assumption is irrelevant, since CAGW isn’t about the science.

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