These Events Are Consistent With Normal Weather On Earth

Puffington Host logic. I started noticing that there are a lot of babies around –  after I started paying attention to babies. This proves that there has been an increase in the number of babies.

Some of the early effects of global warming are far away or ambiguous. How many of us have been to the Andean or Himalayan glaciers or to Greenland or the west shelf of Antarctica? Yes, Russia has recently been on fire; Pakistan under water; crops threatened; cities wrecked by tornadoes, but while these effects are “consistent with” global warming, scientists are hesitant to attribute any specific event to the pattern.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to These Events Are Consistent With Normal Weather On Earth

  1. Justa Joe says:

    According to the CAGW crowd everything and anything is “consistent with global warming” even if we suddenly plunged into a mini-ice age.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    AOL/Huffington stock are continually with problems. It’s not just bad science they give but a bad vibe.

  3. Lance says:

    I think ‘Franklin’ hit him in the head.

  4. Gator says:

    Without ignorance HP could not exist.

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