Somalia is suffering its worst drought in 60 years.
It’s always difficult to tell what might be driving extreme weather events like the Horn of Africa drought. Climate change is often fingered as the culprit, but the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change actually predicted that East Africa would receive more rainfall as temperatures warmed, not less.
Most immediately, the current drought seems connected to severe drying conditions resulting from the La Nina phenomenon that lasted from June of last year to this May in the Pacific Ocean, and which be connected to record-breaking drought in Texas as well. But according to a new study published today in Science, La Nina—and the its warm counterpart El Nino—has affected the climate of faraway East Africa for at least 20,000 years. A group of scientists from Germany, Switzerland, the U.S., the Netherlands and Belgium examined sediments that have built up over thousands of years in Lake Challa, at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kenya, drilling into the ground—much as climate researchers use ice cores in Greenland or Antarctica to reveals details about the state of the climate in the Earth’s past.
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Oh. AGW theory is falsified? Damn…
It can not be falsified because it is not a theory but an assumption. Probably a group of assumptions. AGW may or may not mean Global Warming and it may or may not mean changing climate outside of historical extremes. They need a theory to do basic science and we now have over 30 years of doing research for the sake of doing research as the results remain: Further research is needed!
This is another, among many, showing historical variable weather patterns that are as, or more extreme that recent weather in many regions of the globe.
It is another series of holes in the ground wasting money. These results have been known by real scientists for many years.
It actually flooded there the other day, now they are complaining too much rain!!! Such whingers!!