Time To Start Planning Your Labor Day Weekend At The Greenland Meltdown


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Time To Start Planning Your Labor Day Weekend At The Greenland Meltdown

  1. Rick Pay says:

    Are u sure about the 7F and -27 … is it not 27F, below freezing but not 59 degrees F below freezing?

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    The Horror of climate change…. Oceans will rise 60M by Friday at this rate…

  3. Rick Pay says:

    Something is FUBAR … I see -14 to -16 C & -30 C to -33 C for the high / low range of temps?

  4. Rick Pay says:

    Geez … never mind I was flopping about in F / C confusion 🙁

  5. Paul H says:

    O/T Bob Tisdale is on the ball again. La Nina is back.


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